Chapter 1

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This is the second party I've been dragged too this week. I've been stopping every waiter and waitress for the fancy foods on sticks they been serving around. I'm almost positive that they're tired of me.

Dressing up and pretending to be rich was fun the first time, but now I do it almost every week and it's beginning to irritate me.

It's been five months since I decided to let Alix go and start over with North. I don't regret it, but our lifestyles are too different. I think we've moved in together too soon, but I won't tell North that. She's happy and I guess I am too. I've never lived in such a rich and nice place. It's also great not having to worry about any type of bills. I guess I'm just still getting used to her, to this.

We're in a large penthouse. It's decorated with abstract paintings, white suede couches, hanging lights, modern furniture that doesn't even look like furniture, marble floor and dressed up rich snobs. Specifically North's co-workers. Her entire business is more like it. And guess what? They all look at me like I'm from a different planet, but they tolerate me because I'm North's thing.

All of her co-workers that are guys were pretty disappointed to find out she's a carpet muncher.

"Babe, come dance with me?" North said pulling on my hand.

Her nicely blended eye shadow makes her eyes look sharp and clear. She's wearing a tight black dress that covers her ass by probably about an inch. Her heels are tied past her ankles and her hair is in a messy, but elegant ponytail. Sexy. As always.

I never blame people for breaking their necks to look at her.

"Of course." I replied.

"I know these parties aren't your thing ... I just like to have you around and show you off," She said. "Everyone is so happy for me."

I sighed, "It's okay. I know you want to bring me around and you also don't want to be alone so ..."

She smiled, "No parties next week, I promise."

"Promise?" I repeated.

"I swear. How do you think I feel? I've been dealing with this for years." She said.

"Alright, lets go slow dance." I said.

She leads me through a small, but tight crowd. There's a nice size open area where the DJ is at. Some people are already dancing getting lost in their own worlds. If there's one thing I enjoy about these parties, it's slow dancing with North. Being alone with her is always a treat.

We claim our position and her arms wrap around my neck. I hold her waist as we begin to sway back and forth to the slow instrumental music.

"Don't worry we'll be leaving soon." She said.

"It's fine, I just would've preferred to stay home this weekend. With you." I replied.

She frowned, "I know you wanted our weekend Netflix and catch up on sleep date. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise."

I said softly, "You better."

She smiled, "You don't know how much easier it is for me to stand these things since you're here with me."

I chuckled, "Well I can see why you hate them so much, but why bother?"

"Because there's usually a lot of big time millionaire investors and other businesses ... you get the idea." She said.

"The chance to make more money." I said.

She nodded, "Exactly. Where there's more business, there's more money."

"But you have all the money you could possibly need for one lifetime." I said.

"We have all the money we could possibly need for a lifetime," She corrected. "That doesn't mean you stop. You keep going."

I sighed, "North it's your money, not mine. You worked for all of that."

"I hate when you say that. It's our money. We've always shared everything and that's not going to change." She argued.

"But my hard work isn't your hard work. I draw on people. You actually make important decisions and whatever else business people do." I said.

"When are you going to stop comparing yourself to me?" She asked sternly.

I shrugged, "I just feel like I'm free loading. This beautiful fancy new apartment? You paid for. Most of the brand new appliances? You paid for. All the upgrades and fixes? You paid for."

"Stop. This our life. Our new start. Yes my income is off the charts, but this was my dream. Being so secure so that I can have a great life with you," She said. "I know you'd do the same, hell you probably wouldn't even let me work."

"You honestly think we're gonna be together forever? For the rest of our lives?" I asked, truly curious.

She scoffed dropping her arms from me, "Of course. What's that supposed to mean? You don't?"

"That's not what I said. Don't start jumping to conclusions." I answered.

"You don't?" She repeated.

"Forever is a long time," I replied. "I'm just saying. I want to make sure this is what you really want."

"And now I really want to leave!" She said.

Before I could even answer back she walked off. It's rare that we fight. I usually avoid dragging things on. I hear her angry clicks on the marble floor from her heels. I feel a large amount of eyes on me.

I hate it here.

I walk away from the music with my head down. The clicking of heels come storming back in my direction. I stop and wait to see if it's actually North ready to ring my neck and not to my surprise it is. Except she has her bag over her shoulder and the car keys in her hand. I guess she was serious.

I sigh and walk up to her. She folds her arms and stares at me.

"We don't have to leave." I said softly.

"Well my mood went down the drain, so I would like to go back home." She said.

"Alright, fine." I replied, defeated.

She turns away and walks around the small crowd that's making chit chat. A couple of her co workers actually call for her to try and stop her from leaving or maybe to get a word in, but they fail because she storms off ignoring everyone.

I follow after her keeping some distance. What I said wasn't wrong. I know it probably hurt, but it's true. This isn't me. This lifestyle isn't mine. In a way I miss my shitty apartment. I miss the boxes. I miss my real bed. I miss when North just had her office in my place and didn't actually live with me.

I guess all those years begging for change made me realize how much I don't actually want it.

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