Author Q&A

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These are questions asked by you! [the readers] Enjoy and thank you for all your support on my work!

Q: Unrelated question. How do you pronounce your name?

Think of the word sunrise. (Suh-rize) Sarize.

Q: What's the reason behind you writing Breaking The Game? If there is one?

During the thought of Breaking The Game (I was still planning it out at the time) I had finished writing my first book [ever] Insatiable. Long story short, Insatiable was poorly written though many had enjoyed it so I wanted to write something more mature and enjoyable. I learned a lot in that span of time about writing books so I wanted to prove to myself that I was capable of writing something good.

Q: Is there a specific message to Breaking The Game / Grey?

There sure is, not sure if anyone really caught them though. Breaking The Game's message was basically conveying that you shouldn't limit your emotions and to learn from a bad or good situation no matter the outcome. Breaking The Grey's message was simply conveying that second chances almost never come without a price and it's best if we appreciate getting them.

Q: Was it your plan to write Breaking The Grey?

Actually, no. It took me way too long to finish Breaking The Game and I was eager to write something new, but due to the crazy amount of love I got for the book and some other reasons I decided it needed to done.

Q: Who is your favorite character / least favorite character?

My favorite character is North. I don't think I have a least favorite character.

Q: How come Breaking The Game didn't end with Allie and Alix? Was that the original plan?

It wasn't the original plan and I chose to go through with the non original plan last minute. I felt that Allie and Alix had a very immature relationship, though it was very loving and cute. I lost interest in their relationship rather quick simply because in reality, a relationship like that would become toxic due to their personalities and repetitiveness. Personally, I love vanilla relationships, but the relationship I created just isn't realistic in my eyes. No relationship is perfect and let's be honest, do you really want to read about "perfect" all the time?

Q: Is there any of your personal experiences in any of these two books?

Nope. Writing Breaking The Game and Grey required me to research on a few things.

Q: What perspective did you enjoy writing in the most? (out of Narrator, Allie and North)

North. If I could write the entire book in her perspective, I would. She's a character I created with a lot of depth and a different mindset from most characters I've created. Everything about her is interesting. I think I did her a lot of justice in Grey since you don't get to know her in Breaking The Game too much.

Q: How come you didn't expect Breaking The Game to be popular?

I just didn't think it would receive much attention. Romance is a very taboo genre now-a-days. It's hard to write one people will enjoy because of all the cliches that have been created. A lot of people think romance is kind of corny and tacky so they don't bother. Plus, there's millions of love stories on Wattpad. I wasn't going to be surprised if my book was drowned out in the mix of other undiscovered gems. I'm just a realistic person, I guess.

I also don't think it's popular, but everyone has different opinions on what's popular and what's not.

Q: How does it feel to know Breaking The Game exceeded your expectations?

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