Chapter 5

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[4 hours before the accident]

"My files are in my file cabinet. Obviously." I said dryly into my cellphone.

I'm sitting in my chair, surfing the web on my desktop. I've been in the room since Allie left. I'm forcing myself to be busy, but it wasn't soon before long that Hector was going to call me confused and apologetic.

"How long are you going to keep this attitude North?" Hector asked. "You haven't let me explain myself."

"I'm really not in the mood," I replied. "So save it. I don't care right now."

"Okay, fine. We'll get back to it. You mentioned having a girlfriend and a new home to me. Why don't you catch me up a bit?" He said.

I sneered, "There's nothing to catch up on."

He softened his voice and said, "I basically raised you. I know when there's something else bothering you."

"I am more than just bothered. You and her are driving me insane." I said.

"You know it's pleasant to know that you've found someone. Look at your mother and I for example. We're not the most perfect couple, but we're a team." He said.

I sighed, "I refuse to talk to you about my relationship that's not even a relationship."

"I can't keep up with you kids these days. So is she your girlfriend or not?" He asked.

I pause. I feel a slight drop in my stomach and a short ache in my heart.

"We're not official." I answered.

"But ... you live together?" He said awkwardly.

I mumbled, "Uh - yeah. I guess."

"I must say that is very puzzling Nomie," He responded. "You moved in together and you're not even together."

He hasn't called me Nomie since I was a teenager. It's my first and last name shortened together. It brings back vivid memories of awkwardness. I feel like telling him he doesn't deserve to call me that anymore.

I sighed annoyed, "It's not like that, we've known each other since highschool. Don't just assume I took some random girl under my wing."

"Since high school? Wow," He ignored my statement. "You never told me about this girl."

I rolled my eyes, "That's because I was with her before I got thrown into an orphanage and got adopted by a lazy business man."

He said hurriedly, "Oh - I'll call you back. I'm getting another call. I have to take this its the Ordeal Comp -"

I don't waste time hanging up the phone and it slamming down next to my keyboard. Everything is pissing me off. I can't focus on work. My heart is tight and aching as my eyes try to burn holes straight through my monitor.

Hector is just trying to take some of the heat off himself. He knows I can find a job some place else in no time. He's very aware of how many companies want me. If I really wanted to I can go to my mothers business. I'll have to deal with him and his petty childlike moves later.

Where did I go wrong? Where did we go wrong? I thought I was doing everything possible, correctly. So I haven't been in the mood for sex because of stress. I have my attitudes when I come home from work because busting your ass in a company is no easy task.

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