Chapter 35

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I groan under my breath as Stamos lightly massages my head. It feels good even though his gloves are kind of irritating me. He's trying to get me to relax before he takes my stitches out. North is sitting by me, texting on her phone.

For the past week I haven't missed any therapy sessions. I'm exhausted and my stitches were supposed to come out last week, but North and I just got jammed with life. This means the visit to my parents place has also been pushed back, but I haven't been worrying about it.

I didn't think North was serious about marrying me, but it turns out she is. We've been engaged for about a week and some change and it's the only thing I can talk about. She just looks at me with a smile on her face and listens to me. Something tells me she's in shock or something. She said she's very happy even without a ring or a traditional proposal.

"Okay Allie, you'll feel some slight tugging and it may even bother you a little since the skin is hard." Stamos said.

"Hope this doesn't suck as much as I think its going too." I said.

North reaches for me and places her hand on my knee, "It'll be over before you know it."

"Will there be any blood?" I asked.

"There shouldn't be. There will be some dry blood though. When you get home I recommend a gentle deep wash." He answered.

"I'll definitely take care of that." North said.

"Ah, you're such a charmer." I teased.

She smiled, "I just don't want you using all of my shampoo."

I feel the tugging Stamos warned me about. It doesn't hurt or anything, but it feels weird. I sit still hoping this is over soon. I want to go home and take a nap. We had to rush from Maliah's to this appointment and I was not going to sit here with these dirty stitches in my head any longer.

"Sleepy?" She said.

"Yeah, I really want a nap." I replied.

"You'll get too, I promise. I'm pretty sleepy myself."

"Work and therapy do take a toll on you. Both of you should get some rest. You've come a long way since we've all became acquainted." Stamos said.

To be honest for those few moments I forgot he was even picking at my head.

"It's been almost two months." North said.

I scoffed, "It doesn't feel like it. Feels like we're still in the first month."

"Time flies when you're healing." Stamos said.

I hear something clip above me. Then I hear metal on metal. I wonder how long this is actually going to take.

"Wait, how many stitches do I have?" I asked.

"You have over twenty five," He answered. "This will only take a few minutes. I've done a severe amount of stitches in my prime."

I laughed awkwardly, "Twenty five."

"Its funnier than twenty four?" North said.

I eyed her, "This is no time for Spongebob references."

She smiled, "Sorry. I can't believe you
remember that out of all things."

I feel a tenderness throb in my head. I groan quietly, fighting the urge to pull away and rub my head.

"Is it hurting?" Stamos asked.

"It's like ... sore." I answered.

North makes a face of disgust as she stares upward. I know she's looking at Stamos pick my stitches apart.

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