Chapter 22: Part 1

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"Tonight?" North said into her phone. I'm watching her pace around the room in tights and a tank top.

She gives me a small glance, "Actually I think we'll be able to make it."

"Make what?" I said.

She holds up her hand signaling me to wait.

"I will definitely see you guys there. Bye."

"So what's happening?" I asked.

She smiled, "How would you like to come to a party tonight? You know like you asked for yesterday?"

"Well that was fast," I responded. "I'm guessing after Maliah's we'll start getting ready?"

She nodded, "But we don't have to go if you don't want. I know you're a little drained and therapy is probably exhuasting..."

I shook my head, "It's fine. She can't reschedule so I don't have a choice."

She gives me a sad look and sits down on the bed next to me. She places her hand on my knee.

She spoke, "It's not her fault."

I sighed, "I know."

"In your current state you're a lot more susceptible to stuff like hypnosis. It's more vivid and intense."

"I just didn't think I'd remember my shit head father slapping me across the face."

"I think you should read your old journal," She suggested randomly. "It will help you. I know it will."

"What's in it? More pictures I'm hoping?"

"Well ... no. They're just writings. I'm actually still looking to see if I find anymore old pictures lying around in my junk."

I shrugged, "Yeah I guess I'll read it. Hopefully I was interesting back then."

She smiled, "You kept me interested."

I scooted closer to her, "Or maybe you just have a thing for dorks like me."

She tilted her head, "You know I think I do have a thing for dorks like you."

"Well only me. You don't need another dork."

She smirked looking a little too cocky, "Jealous?"

I scoffed, "I'm just letting you know that I'm the only dork in your life."

"Of course. I would never want another dork."

I leaned in and kissed her forehead, "That's what I like to hear."

Her arms wrap around my sides and she gently forces me backwards. I lay back on the bed and bring her with me. She pushes her face into my neck and throws her leg over my hips. I feel her relax on top of me. I kiss her head as the smell of her shampoo fills my nose.

Today's Saturday. North loves Saturdays because she doesn't have to go into work, if she does it's by choice. Everyday feels like a Saturday to me. I wonder if I'll ever get another job. From the looks of it I don't actually need too. North makes so much money it's insane. I doubt she'd want me to go back to work anyway.

Maliah couldn't reschedule the appointment so I have to go. It's not that I don't want to see her ... I just don't want to be bothered about the situation right now. I don't want her to try and convince me that it's okay cause it's not.

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