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part two - the sore loser and the prettiest polish

"you want to know a weird shit?"

łukasz piszczek's head shot up from the mcdonald's sundae cup, his eyes glimmered with the hint of cheekiness as he nodded. " i couldn't find a clean bra today," she chuckled, mushing the strawberry puree on top of the sundae until the white stained red, " so i ended up wearing sport bra underneath this stupid dress."

laughter rumbled from his throat and he licked the ice cream from his spoon.

" did you try-"

" sniffing? yeah i did, it wasn't a wise choice," she frowned, thinking it's time to hire housekeeping again. " can you like tell that i have boobs in here?"

the polish leaned back and his lips pursed into his thinking expression, as he (with pleasure) judged the way the dress and the bra cupped what's inside.

" yeah i think you do," he said flatly returning to his sundae, " i can feel it if you want more solid confirmation."

she kicked his leg, their both laughters echoed in the mcdonald. they were overdressed, well just althea. he had a plain grey shirt underneath the blue long sleeves and his peacoat hung on the back of his seat; he's a god.

the joy of getting mcdonald arose the feeling of no fucks in her.

" yeah, sure, you can," she rolled her eyes. he swiped his empty cup aside and pulled hers to the middle of the table and nodded, "i'll keep that in mind, reus. you owe me some tit grabbing."

" and you owe me a new sundae."

" i'll buy you more sundaes if you can stay still."

he was gazing her eyes - one scoop of the sundae and now the spoon is tucked between his lips. " what?" she asked, being quite easily panicked, she doesn't prefer long judging stares. " your eyes- they are green." he mumbled.

" marco's green too."

" i don't pay attention to his eyes." he snorted.

she rolled her eyes, " i don't expect this is a way of flirting." he blinked and grinned, " you don't think i was flirting right?"

he pulled his chair closer to her and his grin got wider, " answer me, tee, do you?"

she pointed the spoon to his face and laughed, " only you went from i want to grab your boobs to your eyes are so green."

he grabbed her wrist and forcing the spoon to scoop more sundae and he bought them to his mouth (hand still around her wrist)  and licked it, " maybe i am," he pulled out with a soft pop and shrugged, " i am a single man after all."

" you're 30, luki," she dropped the spoon on the table and grabbed a tissue, " and what happen to what was her name again? yall are cute."

" distance's a bitch."

" you two lives in dortmund," she muttered flatly.

" so there was some fall out. solid relationship has it ups and downs, kid." he smiled teasingly; she clearly wasn't happy to be called kid. " excuse me, solid relationship would have - okay what do i know? i don't date more than 6 months."

he chuckled, " they get expired?"

she flicked his nose, " yes, lukasz, because my boyfriends are toothbrushes. my dentist told me it is best to change them once every 6 months." she said sarcastically, earning another chuckle from the polish. " having boyfriend makes them turn into this high maintenance freak; more if you're a sister to marco reus."

they stood up and exit the restaurant and walked in the dark.

" sometimes i shove lego blocks in my nose to make nico and marco laugh. " she turned to look at his face under the dim light of the street light and he was enjoying her tale, " i lick icing off my mother's cupcakes and talk shit openly about schalke and bayern on twitter. being reus isn't about having overly jelled hair and wears designers clothes or monkey suits- we were going for on a museum tour for fuck's sake."

" ah, come on. it's not that bad, they were trying to not embarrass you." he shrugged and shoved his hands in the pocket of his jeans. she kicked the small stone (bless closed toe heels) and laughed, " no, they are dating the reus in my name. not me. marco sets my bar too high."

and there was just momentary silence between them. exchange of breaths before he broke the silence.

" so how big exactly is your nose anyway?"

he asked suddenly; stopping his steps. she laughed. oh boy, she was laughing so hard, she was reaching for the wall to lean. " focus tee, no one can easily shove lego in their nose. let me see that nose." he moved, trapping her, one arm on the side of her head and one cupping her chin, bringing her face up to his.

" seriously-" his voice was getting all throaty and deeper, " how big is it?" but then he was no longer staring at her nose ( god bless!) but her lips. she cleared her throat, she was nervous, " it's a 1x1 lego. yours fit too, maybe a 1x2,"

his pursed lips formed a small smile; god, does this man smell fears? nervousness ? what is he; a dog ?

" really?" he asked and she nodded. his breath was invading her space, tickling her now dry lips and only now she saw the stubble running down to his neck, perfect curve of his cupid's bow and how soft was his lips from where she's staring.

she got bold, " are you gonna kiss me or are you just gonna trap me here against the wall until the morning?"

" i wasn't going to kiss you."

her cheeks reddened.

" i was gonna take you home, undressed you, spread you out an-"

and then she was kissing him. her arms were around his neck, his arms encircled his waist holding them from toppling down when she threw herself against him. she was shoving her tongue down her brother's teammate's goddamn throat in the dimmed sidewalk of dortmund. oh, she's kissing a cute guy also.

" we are not gonna make it home," she muttered breathless against his lips only to be assaulted again.

" we will if it is mine. i will get blue balls if we try to make it to hesse."

she pinched him and he yelped in pain, biting her lips harder, it was bleeding. she pulled back, still tangled in his arms; the wind was messing her fringe. but then she pushed him away, took off running, and yelling, " who reach the car the first gets to call shot."

fuck fairplay.

she's topping tonight.

so they were racing for the car. she was fast, but he was faster; he is in the last defensive line in ensuring his team's victory; he got to win. he has to.

well, he did.

and the sore loser pouted. " i call shots," he muttered as he pressed her against the car. " and you were cheating," his blue eyes were in different kind of shades, roaming on her as if he was some kind of a predator preying on her.

well, it wasn't the worst thing. she's the sore loser who was kissing the prettiest polish against a mercedes benz.

"oh,  you surely have a pair of boobs under here,"

"might want to squeeze a little harder, i think you're close to getting the orange juice."

" maybe, maybe but maybe if i do, this time i can find the nipples."

she groaned.

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