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part twenty five - how am i to be okay when my little one isn't

it started with a soft nudge where she mistaken as the baby kicking. it was breakfast and she jolted, her fork clanged on the ceramic plate. the reuses turned towards her. " thea-" marco who was the closest to her immediately panicked. he reached for her hands and his eyes darted immediately towards the bump. his heart was racing as his thoughts, scarlet was already on her feet, ignoring the

" marco- the baby-"

mama reus was next to panic; " thea are you alright? honey?"

" marco, the baby kicked." the footballer repeated herself, a soft chuckle rumbled from her throat, " guys, the baby kicked-" the table sighed in relief and it was andri first to run towards her. " did it move? oh my god did it?" she asked frantically, her hand hesitated whether it was okay for her to touch her bump.

" it did just now. i was just thinking about the euro-"

aandri gasped. thea watched in shock. she didn't even finish saying her sentence.

" it did again. the baby kicked, jesus zara come over." andri called out in joy, ushering her wife who was busy handling the dessert to come faster. " does it hurt?" zara asked removing her blue oven mitten aside. thea nodded when zara asked if she could touch her and the married couple eagerly waited. " looks like we have another footballer in making," mama reus muttered in relief, she would love to have a grandson, to nourish and love as good as her only son, marco. she had enough with dealing with the 3 chaotic girls, but whatever god send, she's grateful.

" i heard england came out of euro earlier than 12 years old first masturbation-"


" jesus fuck, papa." the table erupted with both laughter with rachel frantically trying to stop her only girl from listening.

"what's masturmatics?" the girl was even struggling to pronounce. " don't say that," rachel glared at papa reus who was playing innocent, " jesus papa, don't corrupt my daughter."

" germany is winning euro-"

marco snorted, " not without me they won't."


" how's poland doing in euro?" rachel's husband asked.

" quarter final for the first time," she smiled.

the table cheered and glasses clinked, " ay salute to them."


" guys leave the baby alone. come on, let's continue eating," mama reus broke the chattering noise and ushered then back to their seats. " the äpfel strudel gonna be cold by the time the dinner is over, jeez."

" looks like your mummy is getting her euro final proposal after all, little guy," scarlett teased and send her a wink with a soft caress to her bump which caused the table to cheer. the table resumed back like before, the silverwares clinked against another as the plate of foods went from one end to another. chattering echoed, marco was debating with zara and rachel was just trying to make her daughter eats her greens.

she picked up her spoon and fed herself a spoonful of the rice. her mind detached herself and she returned to her earlier thoughts. she was want to really tell that it was lukasz she was thinking about when her baby kicked. as cliche as it was, she knew that the whole table knew that she lied.

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