twenty one

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part twenty one - of marco and adam, the brothers

" be careful." mama reus pulled her closer and kissed her cheeks furiously. " maa," althaea groaned as she tried to hide her flushed cheeks. " don't you maa me. how are you tell me not to be worried when you're pregnant and flying?"

" papa," she pouted, hoping that her father would've understand her. her father smiled and tucked her wavy hair behind her ears. " be careful, tee. call me when you arrived."

her mama brightened up, a sign of a bad idea to her, " yes! call me. i want to talk to lukasz's mother. what's her name again?" she asked, frowning and thinking.

" it's halina, manuela. geez, this old woman and her hamster's memory."

"shut up, tom." the mother glared. " why don't you help her with her bag instead commenting on my memory. where the hell is your brother?"they looked around, looking for the striking blonde head with the skinniest jeans

she glared around, and shrugged, " somewhere. i told him i want some sour candies." she caressed her tummy before falling onto the nearest bench, " my legs are swollen already." she mumbled to herself.

" honey, are you sure you'll be alright?"

"yes mama." she insisted, " i'm just gonna stay with the piszczeks for 2 weeks maximum. his mother has been insisting." she told the partial truth; no one knows they are getting married. literally. no even marco, not even ana, not even any of lukasz's brothers.

maybe. marco was unusually weird.

" of course, i understand that," a teasing smile carved on her mother's lips, " gotta get on her in-laws side." she giggled elbowing the father who was as embarrassed as the daughter herself.

" hey, sorry!" althaea watched as the woodpecker slowly jogged towards them, " jesus fuck, the crowd i'm-" he struggled to catch some breath and dropped a package of

"gummibär? marco i don't like them. they make me choke and turn my snot into blue for 3 days." the girl groaned and pouted, looking at the creepy looking bears sitting on her laps now, " i asked for sour candies."

" oh what the hell, they all look just about the same."

" you blonde useless ass." she rolled her eyes and huffed. the older twin playfully flicked her nose and she giggled.

calling for flight to krakow, gate 17 is now open for boarding.

" that was faster than death of jesus. i gotta go. that's mine." she said and shoved the gummibär in her purse, " i should go," with her passport and flight ticket in hand, she hugged her mother first and her father next. marco offered to walk her to the immigration checkpoint. " say hi from me to them alright." he kissed her cheeks and she nodded. " i will. adam will pick me up."

marco's eyebrows jolted up, " and i supposed adam is the butler?"

she laughed and shook her head, her blonde bobbed around, " adam's the younger brother. marek's the older brother. he's the middle child." she briefly explained the piszczek's siblings before bidding him a goodbye.

" i'll call you when i arrived."

"okay," he waved and before she could get to the counter, marco called for her. " yes, brother?"

he smirked, " congratulation."

" excuse me?"

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