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part twenty-seven: cliché date and goddamn hormones

" it's not that-"

her mind scrambled for the most subtle, comforting word; bad, horrific, life-threatening, suicidal- to describe how risky her pregnancy to lukasz. but the man is just too paranoid. her body sprawled on the bed of his 5 years old home in the middle of dortmund city. after 3 days after being diagnosed with badly positioned placenta, they barricaded themselves in the house; to think and make decisions.

" we have all the time in these world. we can try again." he muttered softly, his eyes grazed lazily outside of the window. the lawn desperately in need of trimming, some of the flowers are wilting.

" you're heading to your mid-30 and i'm not getting any much younger too. what's the possibility of the same thing to happen to our next if i abort this one. i had to take this chance." she sat up, " luka, please, you aren't thinking straight."

he sighed and leaned against the nearby wall, his eyes now turned to his wife, engulfing the glow and the beauty that overwhelmed her. " i am. you would too if you had to choose your wife and your child. thea, i chose a unborn child once-no, its a goddamn sperm, jesus and my wife left me. i can live with that, but i can't choose the baby and let you die."

she sighed, " first of all, babies-" with both of her middle and point fingers up, wiggling for his small smile, " second, it won't happen. it won't happen because the doctor will not let that happen. plus we knew that this in the second trimester, changes can happen. third, that's disgusting. i don't need to know ewa's boring sex life with you," she pushed herself to the edge of the bed and stood up. he immediately rushed to her aid, to her annoyance, gripping both of her arms before she could even waddle herself out to the door.

" i would choose you. if the time comes, and that's the only choice i have. i want you to know now and not hate me later on." he said, softly. his voice trembled in guilty and selfishness; something he wasn't raised in with.   he is always the selfless person; thea is always the selfish one- they compliment each other. she chose to say nothing, noting and begging for the conversation to end.

" okay, i don't need all this soppy sad shit. so can we continue with the baby place now? i can't believe you stop me from cleaning the drawer to drag me to our bedroom," she huffed, one of her hand rested on her belly, " and it's not even for sex."

he genuinely laughed, " you aren't supposed to be doing anything."

" we could've just- oral you know. i have needs." she frowned, leaving him hot on her trail to the door far left.

he grinned, " i was talking about the baby room. but sure, i guess blow jobs tonight is good. how can i say no to my loving wife's beautiful mouth?" he leaned against the door, before a rubber ducky kissed his face. she blew her tongue out, like a little child, before turning her back on him. he watched her in silence, her fingers folded the baby clothes efficiently as if her hands were mechanized into it. as if motherhood biochip has always been planted in her head. "we need more baby clothes," she said barely loud for him to catch. " i wonder all of those gifts have clothes in it. i haven't finish unpacking it." she jammed the drawer in, cursed as the edge caught her finger. her lips slowly suckled on the pained finger before slowly walked toward the corner of the room where they threw all the gifts.

the gifts had been multiplying after they announced the twin.

she wondered what will they sent when they know of her condition. it wasn't bad, she thought on her condition, just tiny bit risky.

he reached for her arms, pulling her away, "we'll unpack later. the room is already done. let's go out for a dinner."

she protested, groaning as her husband pulled her out of the room closing the door behind him instantly.  "we don't have another crib. some of the ikea shit we ordered haven't arrived yet. we are far from done. what if i'm about to drop the b-bomb and the crib still hasn't arrive? i can't have my kids sharing the goddamn crib. all i ask was my goddamn crib and bedsheets and candles to be delivered already. it's not like i ask for goddamn entire land of czech because then i have to get the goddamn poland too." the husband's eyes widened and he laughed in surprised. " what the fuck," he muttered, kissing her cheek repeatedly as their bodies melted into each others, chest to back.

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