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part twenty-six: +1

she was walking down the hallway, when she saw a frantic man running around and peaking through every open doors. she knew who that is. jesus, she whispered in embarrassment and cursed her inability to run. her grip to the railing tightened and she called for the frantic man. all before the nurse called for security in the maternity ward. the further she got into her pregnancy, she understood the feeling of motherhood especially when you're seeing a frantic man in a ward full of babies.

he looked at her. she thought, he is too fucking cute to be a kidnapper.

" jesus, woman why the fuck are you walking?"

" well fuck you too," she replied, " doctor's order. she believed it makes my vagina relax."

he cringed, it wasn't hard to cringe the moment she started her lamaze classes.

between the breathing exercise where he tried to balance the mother and the baby against a ball and the vivid video of how the vagina was stretched during birth it wasn't that hard. then there was the overly friendly perfect couple who couldn't be more obvious enough that they were snooping and trying to be their "pregnant buddies", the two of them concluded that pregnancy is 20% vomiting, 10% aww baby, solid 5% vapor rub, 15% struggle to find sex position and the rest was just cringing.

she welcomed lukasz's familiar arms around her body, even sighing in relief as she let go of the dull coloured railing. " you're home, that's what matters right now," she said, muffled against the leather of his jacket. he pulled back, his lips tracing kisses starting from the corner of her soft green eyes down to her cheekbones- nose, temples and the corner of the drying lips.

" i'm home, i'm yours-"

" for 2-3 months-" the girl rolled her eyes, reminding him of his upcoming season.

" i'm home, that's what matters right now." he ran his fingers against her gross hair, pulling them all back to look at the swollen face of hers. " the baby-" he asked carefully, his eyes dragged to the almost 6 months old child growing inside his wife and she laughed.

" supposedly the blood shows nothing bad," he grabbed to her as they continued to the left wing, " she just want a scan before she can sign me out. marco was supposed accompany me but he left for snack and disappeared," her arm around his waist as she wondered about her missing brother. " he's still in the cafeteria. scarlett drove me here." he explained and the girl smiled, meaningfully.

" scarlett- my brother's girlfriend scarlett?" she asked, and he nodded before frowning. how the heck did his wife know about the blind date the boys has set up between him and girls; one of them including marco's current girlfriend.

"what? thea, who told you that?" he asked annoyed to the fact that his secret is now in her hand. " nobody important. seriously, you rejected her. i would've bagged her instantly." she said in disbelieved as her hand flew around- typical exaggerating althaea. " well, wife, i'm sorry i rejected a girl who i have no interest in. do you want me to propose and make her my second wife?"

she rolled her eyes and pushed him off her, "i dare you, husband," she grunted, red all over her face, " i'll show you how birth is nothing but a gentle bite to the tum tum." he dodged her fingers readily to move and pinch what little fat his tummy has.

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