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part nineteen - marco the ship slayer

he returned home early. he didn't tell her - a surprise, he said- and enlisted her brother instead to pick him. a brief smile on his face as he leaned against his porsche. lukasz offered to drive which marco let without any argument. they didn't talk much since the baby shoes and the apology- marco and his ego and lukasz is just being polite. all in the respect of his baby mother. so when he opened his mouth, lukasz was surprised.

" i saw the press conference."

lukasz huffed in exhaustion, eyes bored on the road, rubbing the corner of his eyes. " it was good. the way you handle stuffs." marco continued, he settled his phone down on his lap, screen still bright. " we both know how degrading the reporters can be," lukasz replied flatly, " she's my responsibility now."

" and the proposal?"

" marz, you know me, i'm serious about her," lukasz braked harshly when a car swerved in, strings of curse escaped below his breath. " i don't know lukasz. convince me."

" jesus fuck, don't tell me you're still fucking bitter the fact that i fucked you sister. that's the shit i know," lukasz glanced at the boy his junior, his words now harsh.

" excuse me? how would you feel if i fuck you nonexistence sister?"

" its you marco, you fuck everything that move," lukasz mumbled, rolling his eyes.

" alrightie divorce-o."

" at least your sister was more soften up to this."

marco laughed, " she opened up her legs for one night stands since max died. i know my sister." lukasz gripped the steering hard, his teeth gritted and his jaw hurt. " you can come at me marco, i would've expected that. but coming for her, the woman i love that's carrying my child, your future nephew probably was just low." the car stopped with a screech.

" she doesn't do commitment. i know my sister. i was there for that 8 miserable years. you convinced her to keep this child and then what's gonna happen when the baby is born? what's gonna happen to you and the baby when she realised she couldn't do this anymore?"

" marco," he laughed as he yanked the door handle, " you think so little of your sister." he pulled the suitcase from the back seat and looked up to see marco was out. so did althaea. she was deep in sleep until her throat pained her, and the loud screeching woke her up. she went downstairs for a glass of water when the headlight shinning through the window attracted her. now she stood at the door, slumber and confusion overwhelmed her. " you're home early," she muttered ending with a yawn.

" it's cold. go inside." lukasz said flatly.

" what's wrong?" she asked stepping outside, tying her robe around her expanding waist. " nothing's happening." marco said with a soft smile, rubbing her arms. " yeah right, you can take your apology back marco, i don't need this crap." the polish jogged inside, holding to two suitcases leaving the two siblings to stare at the baby shoes laying at the end of her feet.

"you should go home too, thea. with your brother."

" excuse me what?" she asked staring the polish's back as he disappeared inside. she faced her twin brother.

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