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part eight - to done and be done, for good

new messages from altreu!

he rolled onto his back, grunting as his hands roamed to look for his phone.

altreu: im sorry
altreu: it was lowkey painful

he squinted, the brightness of his phone is killing his eyes and he cursed. she double texted him, at 3 am, also called him a couple of time. he sat up, the comforter pooled around his hips. " jeez," he peeled the comforter away, slowly making his way to the bathroom.

the text messages roamed his head as he peed. flushed, tying the strings on his short, he washed his hands and a splash on the heat burning at the back of his neck.

the phone blared again, vibrating on the grey sheet of his bed. it's her again, he was sure and his heart skipped a beat or two. he wanted to run and also run; to the phone and also away from her.

his feet glued to the cold tile of the bathroom and he rested his forehead on the mirror; his thin lips hummed the familiar tune of gallant, a small smile tugged the corner of his lips.

he waited and waited until the phone died, gallant quieted and so did his thoughts.

you have one voicemail. slide to listen.

he sat on the bed, stared on the bright screen before running his thumb softly on the screen.

hi, i'm sorry for all the messages and calls i wasn't thinking-i w-was out drinking i don't know my mind jumbled up i just want to clear it out

he listened to the details too, how he knew she was pacing, and the hesitation and the slurring. she exhaled loudly.

it was kinda pathetic of me for pushing you away and now i'm begging you idk it's not begging its just- i haven't been thinking straight on relationship since ages. i felt dehumanised when it comes to dating.

dehumanised, his lips mumbled and the word etched on his head for no reason.

but you're right. if you're done with me, then i'll be done with you. but please, open your door so at least i can kiss you for one last time luk-

his head snapped up. he abandoned the still playing voicemail, phone clattering on the carpeted floor and ran downstairs of his two storey penthouse (he moved out immediately and sold his old house after the divorce) to the door and yanked it open.

"you're never done with me, aren't you," she said, a small smile appeared on her face. he was towering her, his body cladded with only a black short contrasted her bundled up with coat figure as she stood in the cold.

" i could've said the same about you."

she ran her hand around his neck slowly pulling him down as she kissed her, who knew it could be the last or the first kiss to everything. but she was kissing him. for him, that was what matter.

she tried to pull away but he tugged her, his lips yearned for more. she huffed and smiled in between the kisses. " i need to go." she muttered, but he shook his head, begging for her to not leave.

" i'm still pretty much drunk, i don't want to make mistake, i-"

" at least stay in my guest room. you said yourself you're drunk." he closed the door behind her and offered to take her coat. she shook her head, and tiptoed to kiss his nose one time, " i have to go."

" okay," he replied flatly, pursing his lips to hold himself from begging more, "but that was not the last kiss."

she opened the door with a laugh, " you broke up with me, that is the last kiss."

" we weren't even dating?" he exclaimed and she shrugged, "exactly."

he groaned, "that's why this can be fix, thea, fucking date me. i'm asking for a redo."

she smiled, " i'll keep that offer in mind," and walked straight to the elevator without even turning back. not to even look at his face one last time, not until she heard the door slammed shut in anger. and then she broke down.

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