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part seventeen: schalke for life

" mr piszczek will take any relevant question he consider worth of answering. we'll start with the journalist on the right."

" are you nervous about the euro qualifying? against germany again?"

he smiled, he expected this question, practised it in the shower and breakfast, " no, i believe that we are as up to par with them. maybe in fact even more. our nervousness will never be stop the fact that we will triumph."

" that's a lot of balls in one sentences. a little away from the tree but how's althaea reus related to you?"

" we are seeing each other." he smiled.

" yeah, hi, how about about the baby bump she has been spotting for few weeks?"

lukasz smiled, " that's a little something special for me." he ended the answer with a wink causing the female reporter to swoon.

" i have two question; how would you rate poland's performance at this moment and how far long is your girlfriend?"

he cleared his throat. his arms both on the table and he bounces his legs with his lips pursed to think of a suitable response, " with all the disagreement aside- team work and a little bit of banter-" the room howled with laughter, " i could've said we had reach out goal in bringing poland back on top of the game. so i really believe we have step up our game. in numbers, probably 7/10." he shrugged. " and to answer your second question, she'd started her second trimester last week." he ended with a smile, politely as he thought of them. he knew she was watching, he glanced down at the phone he strategically placed behind his name card, her tweets occasionally popped among the other notifications.

plus, she agreed for him to do a press conference to clear them out, before foul rumours spread from germany to poland. the rumours about her and marco's bestfriend, there was one about her and the frankfurt player he never cared off and he wasn't too appreciative of it.

" how about the ex wife?" part of the crowd snickered like an 8 years old.

a tweet from @altreu: oh grow up 😒

he wanted to punch who ever that was if it was up to his balls. but professionally he half heartedly chuckled and shook his head, " out of the picture." he straightened himself, trying to subtly establish some dominant look, that he will not be toyed around. "look, me and althaea are very happy at this moment. they are healthy and us two families are excited for our baby's arrival. for all i know is i respectfully ask for spaces for my baby's mother and families to not be disturbed."

" last question, should reus be waiting for any proposal?"


holy shit.

he stuttered, he wasn't ready for that kind of question. this is the question he wasn't prepping for. no one expected or told him about this. he swallowed and thought of the past months, a smile crept on his face and he looked straight at the camera. came was a calm and confident yet stern answer noting that he will no longer take another question regarding her. she was not to be treated like his doll, passed around for the media's entertainment but his equal, his love, mother to his unborn at the same time the same quality captain and a high class midfielder. that's who she is and to him, she will not be stripped out of who she was.

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