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part twelve - a kiss in the rain is never always romantic

first, it was the blood rushing to her head.

second, it was the way her heart wanting to stop beating.

beat along, heart.

beat for me



but when third happened she snapped from her universe into reality; where global warming is real and why the heck is costa still playing and that her brother is a huge douche bag. it was his fingers. dancing ghostly on her cheek. " we are at your hotel," he cleared his throat, unbuckling his belt and switch his wiper off letting them surrounded in the suffocation of dropping rain around them.

" this is too real," she whispered.

reality is she is now carrying a child of the godlike lukasz she worshipped for the past 7 months. it was all fun and games. it was seductively undressing herself as he trailed from behind after a gala, fucking with heels on against the front door. the good morning kisses, coffee and fresh omelettes from she travelled the night before after her game night. as morning rays slipping through the slits of the curtains as he pinned her hands up, lazily burrowing in her deep. the hand of god burying deep under the table, under her skirt as they had dinner with his friend from poland who came visit or when they had lunch with the wags of dortmund by accident. this is in fact too real.

" what is too real?"

she unbuckled and faced him. " lukasz piszczek, i'm pregnant. that is what too real if you forgotten." he gritted his jaw together, his lips formed a thin line and he exhaled loud. " i know, i should've been more careful. we both should've." she leaned back and let out a sudden huge sob. "it was my birth c-control that failed. lukasz, i have a team to run. a world cup to chase and i have to put my transfer on hold-"

he stopped her, cupping her side and pulled her face closer, " you're leaving frankfurt?" he asked as he wiped the remaining tears. she nodded, " the whole seniors are. maro and me are going to france. simo is moving to bayern, stupid right? and the-"

" france? you're leaving to france-" he let her go and leaned back, " you're gonna take my child to france?"

she snapped and shook her head, " your child, it's ours," she shook her head and immediately shot the thoughts outta his head, " i mean who even the fuck said there's even gonna be a child?" and when he gave her a look, she shrugged, " i'm not thinking of abortion." she mumbled, rubbing her face against her hands, " that's just too cruel for me."

they sat in the car for awhile, engine off sitting in the pitch dark accompanied by the bright light of the hotel and streetlights, and they thought.

" they are gonna pull me out of the team tomorrow, they are gonna sent my health record soon to silvia and i'm most definitely out of the team. my whole career is like-" she motioned her hands, one behind another, "-in a train wreck right now like huge mess." they laughed.

" marco's gonna finally know." he opened his mouth finally. she sighed, " yeah, that's kinda a relief huh?"

" what do you mean? i like sneaking around." he said with a smirk on his face as he reclined his chair back a little. his hands went behind his head and he stared at the retractable top above them. " i feel so james bondish."

" you kinda have the hair?"

his brows shot up, "really?" she nodded, chuckling as she admired the brownish hair of his. she reached and ran along it, " if i'm having the baby doesn't have this smooth ass hair i'll first-hand curse my own gene for being shit."

" if? is if if-"

" lukasz-"

" what? i got to have a saying in this. that's my kid you wanna abort?" he exclaimed, sitting up pointing to her flat stomach. " oh, so suddenly this is your kid, suddenly you wanna have a say?" she said and pulled on the door handle harsh. the rain pouring down on her suddenly felt heavy but she forced herself walking away from him.

" whatever relationship we had before, it was your problem that ruining everything. you can't tell me anything. you can't even come clean to your own brother. all you did was push me away," he slammed the door, " althea, i'm talking to you, hey." she kept her lips shut and her ears deaf. and he kept yelling until he snapped.

" hey, you stop. althea, hey, hey i love you, hey, hey," he ran around and followed her, " you if you let her in, i'll make tonight your last night of working," he said aggressively towards the doorman who clearly had taken his warning. " i fucking love you, i gave you my love my attention. my whole mind is full of you. you follow me like a ghost and that's not good and what the fuck, do you have to give me?"

she turned around and dropped her back on the ground and pushed him harsh on the chest. the heavy rain was blurring her eyes and slippery to her and she almost felt if it was not to him. " you're an fucking asshole, i hate you, it would be a good riddance to your kid and you and your fucking car an-"

and he kissed her.

it was never less but always more. that was how all his kisses was. but it was always the first time he kissed her, against the wall of the night after mcdonald was the one that haunted her. " i'm sorry, i shouldn't have yell." he said, looking down to her eyes, red from crying. he bend down again, kissing her lips repeatedly until she refused with her head tilted away. " you're an asshole," she repeated again with an hiccup and he nodded. " i know, i am."

and she kept pushing him, push and push until he slowly let him loose from his arm and she turned, grabbed her pack and pushed the door herself, forcing herself to turn back a couple of times only to shake her head before disappearing among a crowd.

the thunder clanging in the sky and he cursed the best in polish. he rubbed his eyes and and pushed his hair back and headed back to his car. he didn't want to chase her. not tonight. not when he realised her heart's elsewhere.

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