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part nine - this isnt exactly my omelette so

althea was floating. at least that was what she felt. the hand around her shoulder belonged to her best friend ana felt nothing but close to a noose waiting to choke her.

" you okay?"

" i'll be."

the tag swung around hanging from her neck and her hand sweated. they entered the mess hall together, everyone is so engrossed with their foods and talking. they lined up, picking up the tray and a plate.

" ladies, meat or vege?" the man asked and both of them asked for both. as she was busy staring at the colourful mess of tomatoes and chopped asparagus among the others, ana started coughing, "your man, 3 o'clock -omelette bar." ana mumbled, nudging her as she popped a broccoli in. thea groaned, she always love omelette in the morning. " well suddenly, i'm a vegetarian." she grabbed a couple of toast and butter and headed away, filling the seat beside their keeper.

"bitch thinks she's vegetarian but has plate full of meat." she mumbled.

ana rolled her eyes and picked up her tray, her feet walked straight towards the omelette station- lukasz immediately looked away, clearly he was watching her from the tail of his eyes. " ana," she muttered with a smile before turning the chef, "-omelette, please."

he smiled back, she couldn't help to note how pissy his smile is but yet the eyes hid all the sincerity, " lukasz. so where is-"

"hiding." she snorted.

" yeah, obviously." he exhaled softly, hugging himself as if the swiss was trying to cross examine him. " that was lowkey mean of you." ana said, fidgeting with her tag. lukasz looked up from his tray at the girl with confusion.

" i'm sorry i'm lost what did you just say?"

" that pool break up, you know what i'm saying. that's lowkey low of you. i expected more from you when all she has been talking about you is nice shits."

a rumble of chuckle escaped the man's throat, " what she did to me later that night was more painful, you dare say i hurt her when what she did was more painful and she has the fucking-" his lips started to tremble and she watched his knuckles turned white, "-guts to hide away and play victim."

ana stood there speechless, her lips moved to say something - an apology maybe but nothing came out.

the chef, who coincidentally had been listening the whole time, placed the finished omelette on the counter and cleared his throat, "mr. piszczek, your omelette." lukasz took it, and put it in her tray. " here, tell her to drink more water, i can literally see how fucked her eyes has been and give her that for me." he nudged towards the omelette and picked up his tray heading away from both girls. she was speechless again.

when ana returned to the table, thea was staring at her weirdly. "what the heck happen to you? did you get omelette or went on to fight world war?" the swiss huffed and plated the omelette plate in front of her along with extra water bottle.

thea frowned, " what th-"

ana rolled her eyes, " just eat it."

thea poked the folded eggs with her fork and scooped a small bite off it. " this is not my omelette." she muttered flatly as she swallowed it. she dropped the spoon and fell back against the chair.

it was a month ago, dortmund city, lukasz piszczek's residency. one polish guy covered only by a black apron, cutely tied to his back with the bow resting right up his plushy ass. one girl behind counter wearing nothing but a smile. then there was a plate of huge omelette.

her leg toying against his muscular leg as she stared up her lover with the biggest smile ever, " does the chef comes with the food?" he grinned and pushed her against the counter, his hands moved down to where her ass were and cupped it. " depends."

" human plate, i like that." she giggled and reached for the fork. as she savoured the taste, his hand traced a burning path down her side and she moaned mouthful.

" i don't know which is hotter; these omelette, that back muscle flexing or just you in that apron."

he leaned down and kissed her, the spicy tanginess on her lips transferred to his and he enjoyed the burn.

" i'm feeling a little hungry too," mumbled deeply, tugging the apron off.

her cheeks burned at the thought of his face between her legs that night, hot and bothered, all because of the slight tingly taste of the chilli flakes he always like in his eggs that she was having right now. she turned around and sighed, " jesus fuck,"

"hey look at the outcome of these mess," ana snorted as she stole bit of her eggs, " he made you into a better christ follower."

" very funny, ana."

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