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part four - smoking drunk ass or home wrecker

3 days later,

" ladies, come over listen up."

the balls stopped moving as the coach gathered the footballers around; one being althea herself. one of the top goalscorer for 3 years straight (competition between her and sasic was pretty intense until she announced retirement last year after the world cup) and the most loyal player in history debuting since 07 now playing her 9th season, she'd make a hella good captain of ffc frankfurt based in hesse for 3 years now.

" what is it now, matty?" someone asked

she felt an arm wrapped around her shoulder; belonged to the swiss ana-maria who's her very close friend. " you think he's gonna talk about that friendly men-women match thing?" ana asked curiously and althea shrugged, " maybe. maybe its about that young footballers camp the director board has been going on for weeks."

ana shrugged and focused, " potsdam got ingolstadt, well good luck. i'm sure it the friendly thing. did meiko tell where f-bay is settling into?" meiko danvers is a childhood slash best friend slash neighbour of althea, born and raised in dortmund now playing for f-bay or frauen bayern.

meiko and althea has seen each other naked, drooled on the same pillow, shit chat in the same high school hallway, was each other's first kiss and piece of shit till althea moved to frankfurt for frankfurt football camp and meiko with bayern offers.

26 years old later, they are still in contact - basically your friendship goal.

" as we all know about the friendly frauen and men's bundesliga, we have finally received our invitation," the coach pulled out a red envelope from his back pocket, the word bundesliga written large in front of it.

" so where?" jackie said, sitting with her legs to her chest.

matt opened the envelope glancing back and forth from the paper and to the girls, a small smile on the his face.

" we are invited to dortmund."

the smile on althea's face died, " ah fuck fuck fuck, no, i'm screwed." ana lifted her bottle up for a drink and laughed, " screw him instead," she winked, " you might as well make a fun outta it."

the coach dismissed them back to their self training and they got back to their ball. " shit, ana i would, you know. he drove me up my wall. he's all over me, i can't wash it off." the side of her feet hit the ball softly as they restarted with a slow pace.

" well, that means you want him."


" i don't." she insisted.


" really?" harder kick, " don't you think he would be so excited?"


" for the sex? hell yeah probably,"

ana stopped the ball with her heels. she looked so shocked as if althea had spoken the most vile, atrocious word in the word to her parents. " for sex solemnly? don't tell me yall are turning this into complete friends with benefit thing?"

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