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part seven - how to avoid marcel schmelzer and how to attract everyone

you can't. basically impossible.

althea was restless. she was avoiding both lukasz and marcel like plague. breakfast time at the players' building was quiet for her.

while lukasz- huh there's nothing wrong with that bastard. he looked normal, laughing with mouth full of bacon with bender and weidenfeller near him.

" what's up?" ana asked, settling her plate down. the other girl groaned, " someone knows. i'm fucked." ana frowned and popped in her first avocado slice. "i'm not following. who knows and why are you fucked?"

thea's head held by her hand facing away from the other crowd as she played with her poached eggs, " marcel knew about me, and lukasz. i lost it during the group dinner, and piszczek had no sense of shame or shit, marco almost knew."

ana chuckled, her tongue tsking, " so, marcel knew. i knew. marco almost. so what's wrong with it? i'm not getting a point here." she placed the rest of the avocado slices in the german's plate, complaining about still not liking avocados after years.

" i'm still unsure of me and lukasz. jesus, ana we are fuck buddies. i'm admitting that." the fork fell with a ding on the plate and she reached for her water, " i know lukasz wants more. that bastard is pushing me slowly of the edge and i'm going crazy because apparently i want it too."

ana shook her head, "still not getting the point. then, why avoid him?"

" i'm scared by my own reaction. no kidding. my body is backstabbing me."

"ladies," their convo were interrupted by frankfurt's coach who was at the main table, " and frankfurts-" the hall echoed with laughters, "today's light session in gym and then group activities by the pool. gym in an hour. refrain from loading up so much. who ever pukes prep the lunch."

everyone turned to their table, snickering even thea herself. ana groaned and threw her plastic fork, "oh come on, it was one time!" the boys joined the wagon causing the girl to hide her face away. kathrin grinned, " you too l, tee, if she pukes."

" eat my ass." was all her replies as she dropped the dirty plates away and nudged the girl's head, " well," she turned around and winked, "last one to the gym gets extra lunges," she yelled and sprinting out, followed by clattering of plates and shoes sneaking.

gym was painful, the pool was fun. well, not exactly.

it was fun until lukasz found his way to her chair, dropping his towel immediately and pulling the green shirt off his tanned body. from under her shades, she ogled and swallowed the lust building inside her. " scoot," he said and laid next to her- basically crushing her arms and disturbing her entire existence. " jesus, of all chairs-"

" they don't have you," he looked up at her, from her shades she could see the tiniest smile on his face, " you seemed to be avoiding me." he said flatly, the back of his hand touched her thigh softly as he lowered his hand down. she looked around, they seemed to busy with the water, and returned to her book.

" see, you are."

she huffed, "i'm reading," she clicked her tongue before lowering her shades completely discarding it aside. " does marco knows?"

" that's all?" he asked, frowning.

she glared, " do you want me to ignore you back?"

the poles sighed and shrugged unsurely, " do you want him to know?"

" i don't know,"

he sat up and squinted his eyes, " can i?" she frowned and crossed her legs, "what?" he reached for the book and swatted it away, " tell him. geez, always do engross with something but never in our relationship."

she scoffed and laughed, " relationship?"

" after that months of sleeping together that kinda warrants a name don't you think?" she stared at him in disbelieve and shook her head. he closed the book and placed it carefully on her laps, " look, i'll stop. i get it. you're done with me and i'm done with you."

she lost her word, " look lu-"

he stood, not before sneaking a quick kiss on her nose, " see you during the training, kiddo." he grabbed his shirt and towel in quick swift and headed to where roman and roman were sunbathing, filling the seat facing away from her.

" what was that stunt?" ana asked, emerging from the water at the end of the pool by thea's legs. "you threw marco and marcel off the ledge and decided to attract the rest of them."

" i think he broke up with me. then kiss me."

she muttered flatly, running her finger on her lips. "oh," was all ana said and she pulled herself out of the water, " shit, tee i'm sorry."

her words stuttered, " it's for the best." and swallowed the bitter aftertaste. she threw the book aside and laid back, forcing her tears back in.

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