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part sixteen - 3 weeks of althaea

" happy 3 months, thea,"

the midfielder startled at the doorway. she turned to the defender who wore nothing on his face but surprised. " did you plan this?" she asked, with a whisper and he shook his head. she felt his hand fell at the back of her, ushering her inside. " i'm good, but not that good." he closed the door and dropped the keys on the table. " did you like what you did to your house?" lisa weidenfeller asked, pointing to the hanging triangles and balloons at every corner of the house. the theme was rose gold with tint of ocean blue, suitable for the couple with no interest of knowing their baby's gender.

(she wanna know, they all want to except for lukasz)

" are we gonna celebrate every trimester i reach because lukasz really can't afford having his house vandalised." her first hug came from sarah richmond and a brohood-ish hug for lukasz from her boyfriend, julian. " who has my house keys now?" lukasz asked with his hands on the waist but his eyes bored sharply at the obvious perpetrator- lisa.

" how am i gonna plan her second trimester party?"

she pouted and reaches for her michael kors. " not our house. also, isn't it too early for baby shower?" he caught the key midair and pocketed it. he looked down to the pregnant girl who was staring at all the food and gifts laid on the table. " you know what? let's call this the pamper the pregnant lady party." she removed her coat and draped it on the chair. the baby bump was too obvious to hide, the tabloids have some work cut out for them.

" come on, i have tent out in the backyard, i got great caterer. the boys are waiting." lisa ushered the rest of the wags out leaving the two in the house.

" we just ate," he muttered softly, as he caressed the back of her head softly. she sighed at his touch. " if you let me eat extra cake slices, i'll call you daddy again," she pouted, her eyes looking up for his soft blues as her arms went around his waist, almost begging. she would go on knees for extra cake slices but she decided how uncooperative her back has been throughout the first three months. his lips pursed into a cheeky smile, " daddy huh?" his thumb tilted her head up by chin.

she smirked, " daddy lukasz." and he leaned down to kiss her.

it took him one week to convince her to keep their baby. two weeks to convince her (and mama reus) to stay with him. three weeks for her to show much she really love him again. by the time it was over, their baby was 3 months old and well loved.

some thing they all would've expected.

week 10;
it was still the constant crying at 5 am in the bathroom, a ton of back rubs. bottles and bottles of strawberry vapor rub for kids on her back and her chest, the back of her neck and her sore knees. she always stared up, her eyes were red, puffy cheeks and occasionally sobs escaped her lips and studied how pursed his lips were when he concentrated; it was always to rub a small dollop of vapor rub under her nose.

she felt grossed, icky so she let him kissed her cheek instead and hug her as she leaned against the toilet bowl. "don't apologise." he whispered and kissed a spot on her neck. he was exhausted, 2 more hours to training and he had been awake since 1 hour ago to tend her. she was exhausted, of being always exhausted and sick. he was too use to the smell of strawberry rapor rub and mama reus had gotten used of the increasing pilling of clothes belong to the new member of the family when she did the laundry.

it was a lot of i hate yous and pushing him into sharp corners of the table, off chairs, off a couple of the stair steps, out of the bathroom even off the bed. his chest had taken a lot of hit for her tiny fist but also her head when it was comfort she yearned. " don't touch me!" was the constant mantra so he accepted it and sat where she wanted him too (bottom of the stairs, on the floor, against the table) and watched her stormed out angrily.

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