twenty two

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part twenty two - froyo and ikea

he just couldn't stop smiling. he couldn't and wouldn't.

" we are married-"

he almost yelled and she hushed him, one hand on the back of his head and another on his mouth. " don't yell it out loud, jesus." he peeled her fingers off and kissed where the simplest wedding band sat. " we are." she smiled and he bend down, kissing her hard until she was breathless.

in the moldy, average smelling registry office they became mr and mrs piszczek; exchanged vows and dirty stares and a gentle kiss.

" so mrs piszczek, froyo and dancing in ikea?"

she grinned, " jesus, yes."


" i think that golden one is pretty," she licked her spoon cleaned and pointed them at the baby crib with the golden frame. " but what if he doesn't like it?" he stole the m&m off her cup, " i mean i know she will like it but what if he doesn't?"

she reluctant agreed and they moved along the gray pavement to the next bedroom and groaned in disagreement over the colour pink respectively. " too pink is just icky-" she stuck her tongue out and laced her arm around his and they walked along.

" who would've known i would be married by the end of this year? all i was thinking off was i'm gonna complete my new year resolutions."

" which is-"

she smirked, " completing the years before resolutions."

he laughed and they walked along. they knew there were eyes watching and mouths talking, few was bold enough to stop them and she respected them. she did need the leg rest; casually lounging on either the tables or the chair even the bed. but these time where was overwhelming waves of people wanting to ask for autograph and snap pictures, she figured she might continued along, write the codes and meet him at the storage pickup entrance.

she picked the golden bed after all, with a same changing table with colourful build in drawers. then other simple stuffs and mentally noting herself that it was to be shipped back to their house- his house back in dortmund. they wouldn't have time to do shopping anymore with him gone for a month; by the time he would be back, she would be 6 months in and cranky and exhausted. so is he.

" althaea-"

she turned. she didn't realise someone would've noticed her, and the voice was too feminine to be lukasz's. her froyo cup slipped her fingers down on the floor. clearly someone did.

" ewa." she muttered with pure shock.

there was her, in flesh itself, lukasz piszczek's ex wife of 5 years. her summer blue dress compliment her skin and her hair was tied back. she rushed in and hugged her. politely, althaea let her. " i didn't know you are here. is lukasz here too?" she asked after pulling back, her eyes roaming around behind her, looking for the dirty blonde polish guy that is not hers anymore.

" he's with his fans, usual stuffs."

ewa laughed, " yeah, we don't give much shit to female footballers," she said, with a chuckle yet the clear brashness was to hurt her feelings.

" sure ," thea smiled, not planing to give her the annoyance she craved from her.

ewa tried to hide her sneer and flipped her hair back, " i heard about the baby," she continued, her hand forward and she tried to touch her belly, " congratulation!"

her smile scared the mother.

naturally, thea backed off, she doesn't appreciate her friendliness, especially- well, it's her. she hit someone on the way. ewa snickered. the stranger didn't appreciate it and she struggled to apologize, ended up saying in her native tongue about how she was scared of her. she was terrified of the woman, she could be dangerous, who knows?

surprisingly, the stranger understood her rambles.

" please leave, we are busy." he politely turn her off, while thea cowered behind his tall figure which ewa took with an offended look. " you could've tell me yourself, thea." she sneered, " what a bratty child. you took my husband away and then, when i offered you my friendship-"

" i didn't steal your husband. you asked for a divorce. he's my husband now. you can shove your 'friendship' up your throat." she spitted, fueled by anger, " leave, bitch." she isn't some bratty child. who the fuck was ewa to come and call her a bratty child when she acted like one herself. her hands formed into fists, shaking from the mixture of scared, anger and sudden boldness to stand up.

ewa left instantly, her heels clanking on the floor harshly. her grip tightened around the stranger. " miss, are you okay?" she nodded and he accompanied her there, even offered her a drink until she heard his voice calling for her.

" thea?"

she turned around and watched as the blonde ran towards her, "jesus fuck, lukasz." she immediately left the stranger's side, not before thanking him for helping her. " ewa was here." she said immediately, her chest raised up and down, she felt like she just finished a match. " ewa? what do you mean by she's here? who was that guy?"

" that crazy bitch was here and tried to show me her friendship. that guy helped me."

lukasz thanked him which he returned wit a grateful smile and he chatted about how he's a big fan of him. lukasz happily signed his phone case and thanked him again for helping his wife.

and when the guy left, lukasz laughed, " so she tried to show you her asshole? i would be scared too."

she couldn't help but laugh in state of terror. " you're an ass." he cupped her face and kissed her all over. " you left my sight, i was terrified." he admitted as they continued walking. " i was bored." she pouted and he laced his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. " no more fans, i swear. let's settle this once and for all." he kissed her forehead.

they continued walking as she recapped her meet up with ewa. he was impressed but angry that she didn't call him instantly. " she's crazy, fam. she is crazier than me on match day." she noted with a shudder.

" we all know you're way crazier. you just don't want to admit it," he joked.

so she punched him hard and stole his runny cup of froyo, leaving him cowering in pain beside the rack of shiny cups.


just a filler im soz im brain dead and on a rough patch right now i hope yall understand im just not well

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