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part fifteen - i love you but

" take off your shirt, you are drenching my bed," his eyes were still glued shut, arms tight around the pregnant reus. " lukasz, i'm serious you are sweating like a hooker in a church." he replied with a hm and continued to sleep.

she shook him, pushing him off her body, his sweat was covering her back and she started to feel uncomfortable. " lukasz, wake up," she pinched his arms and his face frowned but his eyes never bat open. she realised how horrendous the bruise on his jaw started to look and the feeling of his breath on her hand was tickling her.

" did you ice the jaw?" he shook his head, eyes shut and she rolled her eyes. " you are awake, go and shower. and you should've iced it properly."

"it's a very illogical time to shower." he mumbled.

" i will make you sleep outside if you continue to soak my bed with your sweat." she threatened with her two fingers ready to pinch his side. he rolled away, his sweaty back to hers and continued to doze off. she sat up and glanced at the clock on the side; 2:10 am.

the house wasn't that usually this noisy at this time. marco probably stayed over. " did marco come in?"

" and tried to kill me too? yeah he did," he mumbled against her pillow, he was now on his stomach, arms around her pillow. " always so dramatic," she whispered below her breath and stood up. she pulled the sticky t-shirt off and walked to the door and locked it.

" take that pants off," he mumbled, she noticed now one of his eyes were open. " in your dreams." she stuck her tongue out and opened the bathroom light on. " in my dream, you were nice." he finally sat up, his hair flat but messy and drenched with sweat. he pulled off his t-shirt and used it to wipe the rest of the sweat on his face.

" i'm sorry, rachel's kid can't be too cold, her allergy will act up. " she walked out to throw her pants and bra in the hamper; feeling comfortable with being around him naked has been giving her slight confidence. she slipped on another t-shirt and walked back to the bed. " which one is rachel's kid again?" he asked.

" the girl one. molly." she said.

" will our kid have allergy too?" he asked, turning himself towards her. she swallowed and shrugged, " i don't know," she pulled the comforter up her legs. she stared at the spiral taping on his back, both blue and pink running from his hip up to his back, stopping right on the top of his ribs. she reached up to touch his skin and he sighed. he stood up and tugged his jeans off, climbing back to the bed fully naked, his dick laid flat between her leg and his own as he snuggled into her.

she laughed when his weight crushed her arm and talked about how ticklish his stubble made her.

" i haven't seen you naked in weeks."

he smirked, " so you do miss me?"

" your dick has their funny way with my heart." she hugged him, running her fingers in his soft hair. they sat in silence for a while until he opened up his mouth.

"i love you," he said.

she stuttered, her fingers stopped raking his soft hair. she was taken aback. he looked up, his eyes bored deep into her green ones. her eyes said nothing.

she waited for a but. loving her was always a but at the end of the words.

i love you but i love her better. i love you but you don't like my team. i love you but i'm not looking for any relationship.

i love you but-

but came was his arms around her and a no matter what.

he'd chosen to love her through a chaos of the nuisance world and that what's made him different from max.

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