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part fourteen - it's not a baby if its that small

his face hurt- they hurt like cunt. " you okay, luk?" sokratis asked with a hand on his shoulder and the polander nodded. " ice would be good." the greek nodded and squeezed his shoulder before leaving to get the needed ice. he instead returned with marcel. lukasz rolled his eyes discreetly and stared down. he didn't want more people snooping in his already shameful life.

" hey," marcel walked in later, " i got your ice,"

"how's marco?" sokratis asked as he wrapped the ice and passed it to lukasz. "not so good. he's throwing tantrum. auba and götze had him." marcel sat on the opposite side of the table, watching lukasz slowly iced the bruising jaw of him.

" i love her," he said all of sudden, " what the fuck ever marco said- it was a lie."

"why went behind his back?" marcel asked, he knew some parts, but never the whole story. not until marco decided to punch and grabbed a fistful of lukasz's hair and slammed his head down against the floor.

"my sister is pregnant."

"i know."

" oh, you fucking know you bastard son of a fucker!"

lukasz hissed when the ice burnt the tip of his fingertips and threw the handkerchief on the table, " we didn't plan for this to happen. it was solemnly for fun. consensual fun. then, she started to push me away and for all we know suddenly we felt like this was killing us." lukasz frowned and rubbed the bridge of his nose, " turns out its the baby who sealed out casket for good. you guys just don't understand."

lukasz stood up and thanked his friends before excusing himself. he wasn't feeling of being the team's charity today where people can go around and toss their pity at him. he grabbed his training bag and pulled out a bottle of aspirin and drank his bottle dry. his phone vibrated.

altreu trippt
altreu: i heard
altreu: marcel called me
altreu: u alright?

he closed his eyes and groaned at the pounding pain surging from his temple to the bridge of his nose. his phone vibrated again.

" i'm okay,"

"you don't have to yell."

" what do you want?" he asked nonchalantly.

"i can't tell. can we meet? i have cravings already."

he rubbed the back of his head, " what craving?" it is his kid after all.

" like there's this new polish food joint that i would like to try."

he ended the call and took a deep breath.

breathe breath breath breath until you're suffocated breath-

" there, that's the joint," she mumbled and straightened up.

"thea, i'm 100% sure there is no way that could be a polish food joint." lukasz parked at the side and they stared at the so called joint at the end of the block which is famous for its polish cuisine. " we are in polish town how the hell will they not have bigos," thea cried out.

" that joint looks like it could be selling weeds served with a plate of noodles."
he pulled his jacket from the backseat and exited the door before walking over to her side. " you don't even trust your fellow poles." she said, closing the door.

he shook his head and pointed at her, " it's you that i don't trust." she stared at him, her face souring but she decided to keep her cracked lips shut. " what now? the trust i'm giving you felt heavy on tongue?"

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