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part eleven - i was gonna give you crab but you will give me a baby

what the fuck

what the actual

" congratulation, thea - i didn't know you're expecting." the room grew in silent.

" i didnt't know i am expecting."

12 hours before,

lukasz was running. after the fußnis match, he immediately rushed to the infirmary. he knew what happen- he was after all watching her from his pitch. he swore to god he'd stop caring over her- he did but fuck he still gets worry. his feet slow down when he reached the door, he watched as marco was helping the girl out of the door. she looked up and her face lightened up- "lukasz." she muttered and griped marco's arm harder.

the other reus twin looked up and lukasz was surprised to see the relief in his face. " thank god, lukasz." he exclaimed and the girl frowned, punching him in the arms.

" hey, what the fuck was that?"

" i'm sorry but god, i can't handle a bleeding vagina." he mumbled, running his finger along his flat blonde hair with a dizzy look on his face. " you have a girlfriend, mach es dir selber," the boys laughed and she rolled her eyes, tightening the towel around her body. " talking about girlfriend, i have dinner to catch." he grinned awkwardly with the cute puddle dog eye and she knew he was gonna bail on her.

she immediately turned around, " what the fuck who's gonna drop me off at my hotel?" she muttered reminding marco of the assistant coach who dropped by an hour ago to note on the leaving bus in 15 mins and that he needed marco to drop one of his main player to her room.

marco immediately looked at the only man in the room, standing few feet away from the girl itself.

" what?"

marco begged, " man, you gotta help me."

she frowned, " was? no, marco you promised," she muttered through her teeth. she wasn't in mood to be anywhere near him. the past 3 days were a constant battle with her feelings and head; there is no where in hell she was gonna spent that 30 minutes long car ride with him. " oh come on, i trust lukasz. he's like my best bro to me."

yeah, he's your best bro that i fucked and broke up with in the past 3 days.

"no." she exclaimed, rather harsh.

" excuse me? what is it suddenly so bad about me?" lukasz intervened, frown etched on his face. " i just say no. i mean you are in infirmary, i'm sure you have something to be looked after." she said nonchalantly.

marco huffed, " yeah, what are you doing here? is the ass giving you the bad time again?"

they all know the horrible champions league that costed his hip injury to worsen. she watched it, symphatised him and offered him a tearful hug as they lost it. he shrugged, " i just had to get something for my infection. then, i'll drop you off."

she bit her lips, " what infection?" she questioned.

the poles smirked, "crab."

the reuses frowned, "bro what the hell?"

"i dont know man, there was that girl i hooked up-" he stole a look at the shocked girl, " from your party. i mean i'm all good now but i don't know about the girl."

marci patted the guy in the back before retracting to rub his hand on the wall, " i hope you get that shit sorted and please, i can't bail out again, scarlet will kill me."

after hugging her sister goodbye and a kiss on her forehead, althea watched her brother ran towards the exist before focusing her glare on the polish. " crab? what the fuck do you mean by crab? you gave me crab??"

he laughed, " you look adorable that way."

" you gave me crab??" she repeated, louder and her face grew redder than sweater around his waist. she pushed him by his chest and he grabbed her wrist. " can you chill? i gave you nothing. i don't have any stds, so you can calm down. i gotta throw marco off my track."

" you fucking prick, don't you lie to me again," she rolled her eyes, " and stop pretending like you care we don't even have anything going anymore."she followed him back into the infirmary, huffing in annoyance the whole way. " mr. piszczek, is the hip giving you any hard time again?" the receptionist smiled, almost flirtatiously and fake causing the girl to snort. he glanced over his shoulder and the girl slouched back into her chair, " nein, just some taping on the back." as lukasz was ready to leave the room into the doctor's, her team doctor's walked in from the front door, shocked to see that she was still her.

" reus, did i forget to mention you that i'll give your result tomorrow?"

" nah she's here for me." lukasz muttered nonchalantly from recovery room as he removed his shirt. " yeah, i'm here to ogle at his pretty abs." she grinned and shrugged, " since i'm here, do you think you can check whether my result is already out?"

the doctor sighed, "according to the procedure i can only release the result tomorrow- since we aren't from dortmund-" she placed the coffee cup on the desk and scavenged 'in' drawer and pulled a file. " ya know what, what the hell. it's not like we have many patients anyway."

"the receptionist isn't happy."

the receptionist cleared her throat, "i'm actually a nurse."

" congratulation, thea - i didn't know you're expecting."

the room grew in silence. " excuse me what?" she turned to see the pole edging up to the door, his shirt in his hand with confusion as same as hers on his face. " the result. your urine and blood has high amount of hCg level in it- it's the simplest sign of pregnancy. its normal for the first trimester for a minor bleeding; its your body reacting on defense but reus, you're pregnant."

" and i thought i was giving you crab." he huffed.

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