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part thirteen - drypex daddy

" frankfurt fc with heavy heart would like to announce the drop of our main midfielder and captain, reus from this season's line up. we will take some questions and no, miss reus herself won't be joining us on the table."

the loud snapping of the camera and journalists swarmed the conference table, the team's public relation guy was overwhelmed with the questions. althaea stared at the tv, wrapped up in those fluffy bath robe and towel for her head, she devoured more of the ice cream with the fruits on side. her legs crossed and she sighed. her phone has been blaring from notification on her twitter and her facebook and her insta from her fans. then, there was the group chats and calls won't stop harassing her phone, she even considered throwing it against the wall.

" sir, sir why is the cause of her exit of this season? is she rumoured to be entering rehab?" the reporter asked, a sly smile and a snort at the end of her voice annoyed her.

" what a bitch,"

" she is not entering a rehab. she's doing well except for other issues that she has to tell herself for that's her rights. next question please,"

" is the rumour true about her and with one of her brother's teammate? we had prove that put them last night at the hotel's front k-"

" no comments. next question please."

she stopped her spooning when the reporter mentioned last night. last night was a mistake. their whole relationship was a glass of water ready to be tipped and last night was the mess. he still haven't call her back and neither did she. she peeled the sprout of green off the strawberry and bit whole down. she leaned back and sighed, " my mind is full of you," she repeated his words, as the strawberry trailed her lips before the bite came.

her mind is full of him.

she put the pint down on the dresser, letting the condensation dripped on the wooden dresser and yelled loud. that was at least 1/4 of her stress gone. she stared at the pretty fruits arranged on the plate and sighed, " y'all so pretty, even in mess." she watched as some of the juice dripped on the white sheet staining red from the dragonfruits and sourly passionfruit tasted dripped down her chin as she devoured another slice. the door was knocked.

" thea, should i sent someone in?"

she sat up, and brushed the mix of tears and passionfruit juice off her chin, " yeah," her voice croaked, " can you sent in my best- i mean ana."

" i'm afraid ana is already waiting for their bus to training. shall i sent someone else in?"

" yes, call my sister. i don't care which one but i only want my sisters. no mother." she insisted and fell back against the fluffy pillow.

she stared at the tv and watched at the a diaper commercial played in. the conference was probably over and now she was staring at the fluffy butt of some baby actor as the acting mum struggled to put his pampers on. for all she knew, tears started to pool again and that she was crying because the mother couldn't put the baby in his diaper.

" damn you co-c-convincing diapers," she cried and reached over for a tissue, " damn you drypex."

she closed the tv and threw the remote somewhere and rolled on the white sheet thinking now is the best time to wear some clothes. she stumbled towards her suitcase and stared at her choice.

" althaea isn't doing so good," the girl in charge of the team's accommodation said as the lift opened. the oldest sister frowned, " what the heck happen again?"

" i can't comment much, miss reus."

" it's mrs now." she shook her head, her identical blonde hair as the rest if the siblings swung in the same manner. she held her hand and asked for the keys. " give me space please, thank. i'll bring my sister to the lobby in 15 alright." the door opened and the girl disappeared as andriana reus walked in to see her younger sister crying over a suitcase.

" what the fuck is wrong with you?"

" thank god, andri i-ii just realise nothing won't fit me soon."

andri put her bag and heels aside and walked on the carpeted area, " what do you mean?" she exclaimed, staring at the messy, sticky bed.

" i'm gonna be pregnant, andriana , i'm getting fatter!" the younger yelled and buried her face in her palm as she cried more. " oh my god, you're pregnant." andri mumbled and kneeled next to her younger sister, " with who?"

"lukasz," she said, flatly, wiping her eyes with the back of her palm.

andri held her by her shoulder, " you are fucking me, with piszczek? that polish guy? i though he's married?"

" he's divorced. we met at his divorce party marco threw." the younger girl hiccuped. obligated, andri fetched a glass of water and passed to her. " i haven't tell mama yet, she's gonna kill me."

" you're an adult. i'm sure she'll understand." andri reassured, after all that's her job as a lawyer, reassured and lawyered her siblings to not fuck up. her last case, marco's reckless fake dutch license case. " i screwed up with lukasz last night." thea said, finally standing up, walking to the bathroom.

" even after the baby news, i'm impressed." andri teased.

thea genuinely laughed. she laughed before throwing some profanity towards her oldest sister. " i mean, relationship wise. i don't know what i want and he's right. he has so much to give but i care about nothing." she washed her face and looked up to her sister standing at the doorway. " you haven't be in relationship for awhile havent you? say 6-7 years?"

" don't go lawyer on me, andriana," she pulled her bra and panties before packing all her toiletries up.

" you just haven't been in relationship for awhile, that's all i'm saying. max was different. max was the past, max was-"

" max was my future." she insisted as she zipped one of her suitcase, " at least was."

" lukasz is your future now at least, baby wise. don't you want your kid to have a daddy?"andri muttered, helping her with a suitcase. and sudden, althaea was crying again, holding to her toiletries kit and her brush, " of course i want my kids to have daddy, why the heck do you say that? you're so annoying andri, you're fucking annoying-"

andriana sighed and pulled the crying sister in her arms and pat her back softly.

" man, if this is your first trimester, i feel sorry for lukasz," the girl pulled back and grinned, " let's get you home, weepy kid."

thea slapped the girl harsh, " i'm not a weepy kid, bitch."

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