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part eighteen - green eyed girl

" are you sure you're in your fourth month because you look like you're in your seventh or something?" jen schmelzer asked as she put the ice crean pint down on the table's coaster. althea frowned, " okay are you trying to tell me that i'm too fat and that i should lay off on the ice cream?" she asked throwing the lid off the ice cream.

" you're an idiot, jen," lisa interrupted with a smack at the back of the head.

" fuck, careful i just got these new perm," she raked her hair back carefully while glaring at the grinning weidenfeller who was busy with her strawberry and chocolate before turning to thea, " i'm not saying you're fat because you're pregnant what the fuck did you expect? lisa looked like she hid a yoga ball under her shirt," jen said casually while spooning her ice, " my point is you look like you're carrying twins instead of just a baby."

" i am not," thea stabbed the ice crean into chunks and spooned it ignoring the sudden taste of bitterness on her tongue. she suddenly felt than she can't do this pregnancy. a baby? that was a surprise enough. two babies??? a proposal??

" you know what? i can't do this," she put down the pint ice cream and held her hand up to jen asking her to pull her up. the two wags watched in confusion as the midfielder paced back and forth. " tee, are you alright?"

" jesus, no. i'm sacrificing my football career to carry a child and suddenly it looks like i'm carrying two and my mind is spinning and lukasz is gonna propose- i'm losing my mind."

lisa looked at jen and grabbed her purse, " i'm calling lukasz."

"no! no, lisa you can't call him. it will make it worst and i can't worried him enough. he'll fly back out and he'll drop from euro."

" he was suppose to be here with you anyway, not euro." lisa huffed with annoyance, her thumb stopped at the 6th digit of the polish defender's number. " i want his to do the euro. i don't want to hold him back." it was her who begged him to stay a week ago, and they say hormones aren't fucked up.

" fine but i'll call roman. you're gonna talk to that old man." lisa disappeared out of the sliding door to the patio.

" why are you so nervous about two babies? you two are pretty enough and twin gene is totally in your blood. it wasn't exactly a surprise," jen asked, holding up her hand. thea reluctantly took it and let the girl lead her back to the chair and sat down. " come on, breath. you can't be too stress." jen muttered, slowly rubbing the poor girl's hand.

" grab your coat. jen, grab her shit. come on, we are driving to brackel."

" what the hell are we doing in brackel?" thea asked.

" just do it," lisa rolled her eyes.

thea left her purse in the car under the seat as she exited the car. the cold wind blew into her face felt fresh on her skin as she walked to the reception. " welcome to borussia dortmund trai-"

lisa cut the receptionist.

" yeah yeah, we know our ways." lisa said and ushered the pregnant girl to the lift. she pressed the button to the highest floor where the player lounge is. " you should be careful with the receptionist. she's extremely flirt."

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