twenty four

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part twenty four: things mama piszczek taught me about him

althaea laid on the couch, stared at the white ceiling as loneliness overwhelmed her. she was back in dortmund, married and still pregnant. she missed the quietness of lukasz's hometown; where people knows people and there's a small stream of water behind their home where she loves to sink her feet and listened to stories from the brothers. the pregnancy has caused her to be an introvert in the loud, busy city. she hated the attention given and caused. cameras were eyeing on her and paparazzis were breathing down her neck. a little price for eternal popularity.

" thea, are you hungry?"

a figure walked passed and she groaned. " who are you? i have like 5 women in this house, i'm literally too lazy to get up and i can't identify you by shadows."

the figure leaned over the sofa with a grin, " it's me."

she rolled her eyes at her in-law, andri's wife, zara. andriana was never ashamed of her sexuality around the family. ever minka, thea's closest friend in munich is gay- thea was forever supportive of her sister's coming out. thea was the first person andri came out to and the first reus that zara michaels met during international break when germany met england. the reuses never discriminated thus they got married around late 2014 in the uk considering zara came from isle of wight. thea understood why her older sister is attracted to the woman; she dresses stylishly even for a sweaty tiring jog, blonde (which happens to be every reus' taste) with an old soul green eyes and she was beyond kind. well marco just likes her ability to bake good shits the most.

zara owned a bakery downtown and it's one of the reason why thea has been gaining so many weight- especially her salty caramel lava cake and marco has been getting warning about his rising sugar level.

" where did you go?" the girl asked with her eyes drooping back shut.

" i went to see andriana at her firm-" the woman kicked her adidas off her feet and sat the opposite of her, with her legs propped on the glass table. thea scrunched in disgust and pushed her legs off the table with her own feet, " go away, my tea will smell like your feet."

" i thought you would be used to it considering how smelly  lukasz's dick must be after training-"

" zara!"

the older woman laughed.

"alrightie, just a bante," her accent thicken after her laughing (one thing thea always noticed about that makes her sister swoons), she untied her long blond hair, " so right, i went to see andri ya and we had like tea togethe' and shit. i bought my muffins from my shop and she had the tea brewed and we were havin' so nice time when this old block who is her boss, i think yeah-" she laid and faced the footballer, " barged in our date right and made fun of my accent. what an utter assface, right?"

thea laughed and reached for the jar under the table and pulled out a cookie, that zara baked last week, " no shit he didn't?" she bit and the crumbs spilled all over her skin and she passed the jar to the other girl, " that's so rude. did andri said anything? i need milk." thea was already back up on her butt when zara stopped her and ran to the kitchen with mouth biting onto two cookies at same time.

" of course, yaknow ya sister. she won't shut up. and she made him apologized at me-" the girl returned with two glasses of milk and handed it to the german, " she shouldn't have done that."

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