twenty three

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part twenty three - jakot blaszczykowski

" mama will take care of you. i'll be back before before you'll even know." she sat in the dark, naked as she tried to drown in as much as possible the image of him illuminated from the small light by the bed. she watched with a pout and a huff as the new wedding band of his slipped out of his finger.

(the wedding band from his first marriage sat in the bottom of lake masurian; he hoped she drowned too for scaring his buttercup)

his packed suitcase sat by the door near her half packed suitcase and she knew he will be gone before the morning rise while she will be gone in two days.

" i still think fuck euro is the best idea."

" then how am i gonna plan the grant euro final proposal for my beautiful girlfriend of a year after i've told the media that," he smiled slyly before tackled her down with kisses. " hold on," his fingers unclasped the tiny elephant pendant and slipped his wedding band in the chain. " i'm trusting you with this." he mumbled before clasping it back around her neck. the tiny elephant and his wedding band sat between the valley of her growing breasts.

" we are married," her voice turned into a whisper at the last word, " i literally don't need that grand proposal. we also know i'm far the worst person to trust."

he smirked, his fingers tracing the outline of her breasts; the tiny bumps and the visible freckles on her chest and breasts too, " oh is that so?" he said almost breathless.

his lips found its way around the darken bud, and moan erupted from her pink lips. he paid his current favourite babies extra attention considering how big and needy it has been for his attention. "we literally know that this house has the thinnest wall, lukasz." she whispered, half moaning as his tongue assaulted the another bud.

the harsh knocking on the wall behind them agreed with with her.

" my child is trying to sleep, lukasz."

the female voice of his in-law warning had struck his dirty dream dead. he crawled upward and kissed her face all over, while she tried to ignore the fact that there was a huge boner pressed against her mound. he fell on his side of the bed. " i'll be at my 6 months mark by the time you come back from euro." she muttered, running her hand softly on her belly. " jesus fuck, i swear to god it felt like yesterday i was just trying to have you in the training centre's bathroom." she laughed and ran her hand against his cheeks.

" seriously, look how crazily our lives changed in less than a year and half." he muttered, " we are married. you are carrying my baby and i'm in euro."

she laughed, " we are insane. nobody does this shit like us."

" nobody and we happen to be hella good at this." he slowly ran his hoarse palm on it, " fuck we are gonna be a great parents." she giggled and nodded, " we are so so nailing it." he brought her hand up and slowly kissed each knuckles .

she caressed his cheek again, and her lips moved, "be careful." she cupped his chin and kissed him hard, imprinting her kiss deep so he wouldn't forget her. and as if he could read her mind, he laughed.

" i'll never forget."


it's eleventh day of euro 2016 witnessing a clash of the polands and the ukrainians. 5 minutes to kick off, stade véledrome is buzzing from the two side fans. we are heading to the stadium to find out. it's on you now, jim!

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