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part five - supreme reus

his fingers felt soothing against her bare back as her eyes opened to a dark room. " luka," she mumbled.

" it's 4.24 am, did i wake you up?"he asked and the rustling of the comforter against his body indicated her full state of awake.

" no, i wasn't even actually asleep i was just thinking." he felt a weight on his body, bare skin rubbing against his and he closed his eyes sighing. " i need to return back to my hotel," she mumbled, a kiss placed on his bare chest. he groaned and pulled her face for a rough kiss.

she swore she could feel his lips moved into a why and she chuckled, " relax, lukasz, we have team introduction tomorrow and i have to look fresh."

he rolled his eyes, " i like it better when you looked fucked by me."

next day,

" welcome to the proud and joy of the people here, westfallestadion also know as signal iduna park."

ffc frankfurt, fully dressed in their black training kit walked in awed the tour guider leaded them through the player tunnel. naturally, they are impressed. despite being in the first league and crowned the best team in europe, they still played at the shabby pitch that looks like it was meant for primary school kids.

being in signal iduna park, it's totally like they were given a fresh air to breath in; change of scenery. finally feeling like they are belonged.

a royal place for the queens.

altreu tippt
altreu: welcome to the proud and joy of the people here,

marcreu tippt

" tee you must been here for 100x already." one of her teammates asked and she nodded. it wasn't a lie. being a twin sister to marco reus has so many fucking perks.

and she's trying to break free of it.

marcreu fügt man in einer Gruppe!
pearmeyang is typing
auba: lemme fill you in on whos single

marcreu is typing
marcreu: fuck off

" come on ladies. the boys just wrapped up their meeting." their guide ushered them through a long hall way where they saw people - probably the pr team.

loud german coming from the end of the door, laughter and furnitures bumping; the boys are having fun.

" come on you dummkopf, get back to your place. boys at the back so die frauen can take up the front seat. manni, put that donuts down! reus, enough!"

cheekily, simone and isabella turned around, looking at the fraternal twin with a grin, " exactly, reus, enough,"

she rolled her eyes, " you guys are assholes."

before the german isabella could reply, the guide and their team's pr ushered them into the room. thea's first eyesight was a face covered with donut of the other half of bender twin, causing both of the pierreus to laugh their asses out.

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althea rolled her eyes. the lady incharge flushed, " don't mind the boys,"

" kathrin had done more worst," someone mumbled causing the mentioned to cuss. the group joked around as they filled up the three round tables reserved for them. althea didn't realise how quiet she was until ana called it out, pouting her lips to a direction behind her.

she glanced and noticed he was staring at her; his lips curved into a small smile as she flushed. the images of him echoed through her mind. her cheeks flushed and she quickly turn in front.

lp26 tippt
luka: youre flushing
luka: i wonder why

thea bit her lips from smiling, she wasn't gonna give him the benefit.

altreu pisze
alt: i wonder why

lp26 tippt
luka: i can recall
luka: the head game is a+
luka: rate my tongue game

altreu pisze
alt: 10/10 would recommend to friend

lp26 tippt
luka: no
luka: my a+ tongue game is yours

" for fuck's sake reus-" her phone slipped out of her fingers when alaine, the team's assistant hit her on the arm when all her words were left ignored. " jesus, laine," she muttered, picking the white cased iphone of the floor, frowning at the large crack on her glass.

" you aren't listening."

" okay, that's rude," she placed the phone on the table and frowned, " i was listening."

" she's not," ana interrupted nonchalantly, busy with finishing her coke. " okay, i wasn't. what was it?" althea confessed, sighing in defeat.

" when the mc called your name, stand up, step forward and take your captain band from watzke."

" wait what?"

" you're skipping the girls during training camp," she explained, " mats hummels on the boys, for fuck's sake can you listen for once?"

althea grinned, " yes, ma'am!"

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