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part twenty -  4 different times she said i love you and 2 times he said it back


" i look fat don't i?" she muttered when she noticed her figure on the wall in his (now, their) walk-in wardrobe.

" althaea reus, you look perfectly fine."

he ruffled her hair and kissed her bare shoulder before resting his chin on it. " i know, but admit it, i'm a little chubby," she whispered and he did as she asked. " maybe a little. nothing i can handle. i mean there's more area i can grip." she smirked as lukasz caressed her growing womb and the leftover curves. " more area you can grip?" she frowned glancing at her half naked body, " where? my body looks like its gonna drop the freaking womb any second."

he laughed, throaty laugh and hugged her tighter. she knew he doesn't have anymore to say, to convince; he kept running out of words when they argued because she caught him red handed in his own words. " i don't feel like meeting people and dealing with your paparazzi."

" done. we are staying then."

" since we are skipping brunch, can we like fuck here? how angry would jen be?"

he moaned, " marcel's cooking, so i would say it could be totally fine. fuck, i love fat you."

it didn't go long. he was half in when the door shook from the mightiest pounding. " you two fuckers, you aren't bailing. we aren't cooking, we are going to frolein meier. we are carpooling," jen yelled as she assaulted the door more.

she groaned and rested her forehead against his cheek. " frolein huh?" she said, " 25 mins, can you keep these kielbasa up?"

he snorted, " have you see your tit?"

she smirked, " gut, let's go."


" what the heck do you mean you want a burrito?" she huffed and pushed the pillow down on her face when he turned the lamp on. " i want a burrito, b-u-r-r-"

" yeah, i know fucking i-t-o shit but now? 2 am?" she rolled her eyes, " don't make me pull my p-card,"

it was his turn to roll his eyes, " i rather it was me who pull the fucking p-card."

she pouted and ran her hand on her tummy, pulling her indeed p-card with additional, " the baby wants it." great, he thought, fucking puppy eyes.

he's weak.

now, she staring at his backside, pulling up a pair of shorts with the most satisfaction grin on her face. as he pulled the shirt down and ready to head out the door, she called for him. " do i need to get the whole salsa plate too? a group of people playing instruments, what else? what kind of guacamole shit you want. i'm just saying i have no idea how mexican food works. " he grunted, ruffling his hair as walked towards her. she pulled his waistband and slipped another 10 and pulled him down for a longing kiss, " beer, for you. my treat, at least,"

he looked down on her deep, " this kid better be the best little shit and outrun every other kid because i didn't wake up this early-"

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