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Bowen leaned against the wooden pillar on Hewe's porch looking down at the fenced field above the hill that grazed the horses. Hewe was understanding enough to let Bowen stay at his home for the time being. It had been six months, just six months since he had led the rebel army against Einon; since he'd delivered Draco's deathblow. It felt like a lifetime. Bowen sighed wearily, the villagers had asked him to be the new king, but there was a grace period in case a random heir popped up who could prove their lineage. Bowen knew he should accept the throne, but couldn't bring himself to do it since a bit of exploring had changed everything.

Just under four months ago, he and Brother Gilbert had gone to Draco's cave to see if anything could be found for a memorial. Instead they found a well- hidden alcove with an ivory white dragon egg. Bowen had given the egg to Brother Gilbert and Friar Peter to guard at his monastery. The monk had written back that the egg was due to hatch any day, but Bowen couldn't make himself go.

A whinny floated up from the pasture, two of the villages' horses were fussing over something. As night fell, Bowen refused to look up, but the tears came anyway, he turned and hastily marched back into Hewe's house to escape the stars' watchful light and gaze. Though once he was inside, he didn't see the falling star raining down from the dragon constellation...

DRAGONHEART: Dawn of A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now