Chapter 31

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Consider this chapter a New Years gift! 😁


Down in the village Bowen stood outside the tavern, The Golden Dragon, as he leaned against one of the entrance poles. He took in a heavy breath of fresh air before he downed another shot of liquor. Inside, Kara chatted lightly with one of the other bartenders, an acquaintance of Bowen's wife, Margaery if he remembered correctly.

He wasn't able to stay in the tavern for long. A few in fellow slayers, all now retired, frequented this tavern often. Some were old friends he hasn't seen in ages. He was glad Draco had stayed at the monastery, though none of these men and women had hunted in years, there was still a risk if one of them was provoked, and most would still hold grudges. Bowen didn't want to risk his close friend's safety or his since they are now bonded.

But when Geoff and Drake returned from wherever they'd taken off, Bowen noticed the pair's sorrowful mood.

Ah...the empress must've left then eh? The knight thought to himself staring at poor Geoff who had his eyes to the ground, kicking up dirt as he trudged along. Poor lad...

Bowen felt bad for the boy, he could see those two fancied each other.

Where had that light-hearted mood gone? The one that led him to believe he could take on a forty-four foot dragon in splashing game?......


It was slightly breezy the next morning. Clouds covered the sky, moving steadily with the wind, casting shadows over the wheat fields and valley hillsides.

Geoff yawned and stretched his arms as he walked out of the dungeon. Both Drake and Draco were already gone by the time he woke up. He assumed they were out in the fields or maybe at the cliff just outside the farm fields. Acting on his hunch he heads to the monastery's gate.


Draco grunted faintly, stretching his stiff wings to the fullest before folding them loosely against his sides.

The old male layed near the edge of the cliff, the same cliff where Drake took flight for the first time to save Geoff's life, as he surveyed the surrounding area.

Drake was already in the air, hovering nearby over the forest. Drake tried for probably the hundredth time to actually catch something to eat himself. Catching a cow in the open field had been easier than this. Every time he saw something he could catch, the young dragon dove in attempts to catch it in his claws only to miss. Weither it be due to trees being in the way or the prey being too evasive under the cover of the forest but he earned quite a collection of bruises and even more chuckling from his father.

Bowen laughed at the smirk on Draco's face as the knight motioned for the old dragon to get going and join his son up in the air, and start really enjoying the day.

Draco jumped straight up, wings unfolding with a snap before the powerful down beats took him higher with ease. The dragon was now twisting and rolling in the air with skills that Drake could only gain from experience.

As Bowen sat at the edge of the cliff he could hear footsteps behind him. He turned to see Geoff coming up to sit next to him and grinned.

"Ey lad."

"Hey, thought you'd be hear." The teen said trying to stifle a yawn, kicking his dangling legs.

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