Chapter 4

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Kara shifted in the new dress as Hewe's wife, Elaine, and Elaine's eldest Seyarra were fitting to her. Most wedding dress were blue for purity, but Kara had outright refused, no one could convince her otherwise, even Bowen repeatedly saying he didn't care. The dress was a white with light blue lacing down her back, light blue embroidery around her waist, neckline, sleeve edges, and down both sides of the slit in her skirt in an ivy leaf patterns. The sleeves draped loosely from her shoulders and the gentle colors accented her bright hair.

Seyarra was constantly humming and sighing in awe and jealousy, she was being courted by a young man from another village, and dreaming of her perfect wedding.

"Seyarra...hush please! I'm nervous enough as it is...don't you start fussing." Kara chuckled.

Elaine laughed at both her daughter's complaints, of her and Hewe's three girls, Seyarra was the one Kara had bonded with the most after her father had been taken to the quarry.

"Enough! Seyarra, help me get her out of that dress, we have but a little to finish and she needs to help with the preparations, not fuss over a few seams."

* * * * *

Bowen was laughing loudly at some witty remark Draco had used as a reply to Hewe's increasingly riddling questions. The knight was laughing so hard from the ongoing 'discussion' between the dragon and the 'one-eyed bear' that what little planning they'd managed to arrange had long since been forgotten.

"Oh yeah? But what would you say to the explanation of a rumor of a dragon fleeing a battle with one of its wings torn to shreds, or if it was just hacked off?" Hewe smirked.

"That would be a matter of opinion."

Hewe grunted in frustration, throwing his hands up in the air and stalking off to his Bowen's side with an aggravated huff.

"I can't make heads or tails of that dragon!"

Draco chuckled from where he'd been lazily circling the of men, only his occasional rough flapping caused any disturbance, the livestock in the village either adjusted or hid from the dragon.

Bowen smirked, "Was the sarcasm really necessary?"

"Of course not."

"Well, at least he's honest." Hewe commented as Kara came to join them in planning out the ceremonies along with the arriving Brother Gilbert, not that she had a clue to any of this.

Bowen snorted, "No, he's being annoyingly blunt and mostly sarcastic. I haven't seen him like this at all."

Hewe raised an eyebrow, "Well then in that case...Hey Dragon! You had anything to drink this morning?"

Draco rolled over in the air, folding in a massive wing to his body and letting gravity tug him the way he wanted to go, "Oh...the usual...a bit of dew on the stag I took for breakfast, a sip of river water down the way, and a handful of swallows of that pond scum you humans call water at the edge of this village."

Kara looked to Bowen, completely confused, "Is Draco okay?"

"I think so, why?"

"He's never this...umm..."

"Blunt? Sarcastic? Annoying?"

Kara smiled, "I'd say all of that and possibly more."

Draco meanwhile had been sustaining his unique conversation with Hewe, and was luckily oblivious to Bowen's next words.

Kara whispered, "So, does Draco...know it was you?.."

Bowen nodded. "Even though the fault was mine, he doesn't blame me for..." Bowen couldn't bring himself to say it. "...He knows I had no idea she was his. After he shared his heart with Einon, I never knew of his evil nature so I blamed it on Draco and started killing every dragon in the area... including his mate. That's when he fled the area and made it here, and he spent the rest of the time, avoiding Freyne and then me." Bowen's voice had roughened a bit from the smooth tone Kara had grown used to since the battle. Bowen signed. "Draco is reminded of her when seeing the two of us, especially you. He's covering his emotions with sarcasm, and being horribly blunt...but he's trying..."

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