Chapter 7

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Geoff, the new stable boy at the monastery, was stalling for time, trying to avoid getting his hair cut...he hated it, one day, when he was older, he would be able to let it blond, curly hair grow as long as he wanted. Brother Gilbert smirked as a loud crash came from the stables, sharp yelling preceded a handful of snow tossed out the stable door into the monk's face. An energetic, or...hyper four year old boy dashed past him.

Brother Gilbert liked Geoff, but he was a real handful for his age.

"Geoffrey you little hooligan! Get your ruddy little tail back here!"

Geoffrey, mostly called 'Geoff', or even more often 'Boy!' giggled as he hid behind the monk's robes, "But I don't have a tail."


"Yes Brother Gilbert?"

"Let Master Friar Gustave finish cutting you hair, unless you want him to shave your head like a monk..."

Geoff squeaked and ran past the abbot and Aaron, jumping onto the stable master's worktable with the uncut side of his head in the right position.

"I'm seriously thinking about just shaving his head anyway..." Friar Gustave whispered to the monk before going over to the boy.

Geoff was definitely a handful, a little tall for his age, he was long, lanky, hyper, and...

"Geoff! Put the horseshoe down!"

...mischievous to say the least...

After his haircut, Geoff sat swinging his feet on the window sill of the big window in the stable, Aaron had propped the window open as he aired out the winter-stuffy building.

The four year old boy was admiring his soft, leather boots, they must have cost Brother Gilbert a lot of his small wages. He'd only taken the responsibility of Geoff when he was abandoned at the monastery nearly four years to this day, the boy refused to be coddled and held to a schedule by the monks, and was at home in the mud and grime like the pigs in the stable were. Only he grew and wore out of clothes too quickly for Brother Gilbert to keep them in good supply, hence the need for more income, the monks were only able to feed and provide a bed to sleep in, in the stable.

The stable mule snorted suddenly, braying and shifting from where he was tied.

"What's goin' on Smokey?"

"He probably noticed new comers." Brother Gilbert answered without turning from pitching hay into a manger on the other side of the barn.

Geoff turned around in his awkward position, not seeing anything, but a person cleared their throat in the stable door and Geoff turned around too fast...


"Careful boy."


Brother Gilbert sighed then glared in surprise as he turned to see Bowen dismounting his horse and walked over to greet the monk with a firm handshake that was suddenly pulled into a hug.

"Ah, Brother Gilbert, my old friend," Bowen sighed in relief, "It's been a while."

"If you are referring to eight years being a while, then yes it has." Brother Gilbert chuckled. "I see you got my message."

"Sadly yes...How's Drake goin'?"

The monk frowned. "Not very well I'm afraid." Brother Gilbert slowly leaned to Bowen's ear to whisper, not wanting the boy to overhear. "Did Draco come with you?"

Bowen nodded.

"Then he can come see him later tonight when it's dark. Don't want to attract any unnecessary attention."

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