Chapter 29

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It wasn't long before word had spread of the events the morning after.

The nobles and villagers wanted to thank Geoff and Drake personally. The commotion and numbers of mobbing villagers waiting to greet them had already overwhelmed the dragon and recovering stable boy.

King Raegan regained his senses from Kwan’s potion and dismissed the crowds, promising to deal with their gratitude and meetings with the two heroes at a later date.

Brother Gilbert and Liane helped support the still weak Geoff, mostly keeping him standing as they headed back to the monastery. Not to mention Drake who was also struggling to remain on his feet.

Mansel walked a little faster to end up next to Drake's shoulder, patting it companionably as the dragon, whose head had been hanging since before the left the castle, yawned wide.

"We're almost home Drake, You’ll probably be going straight to bed."

Brother Gilbert chuckled, then began musing out loud how he would record this. "And so evil was vanquished and the Old Code restored..."

Liane smirked, "I'm glad you're alright Drake."

"Mhm...So am I…"

"Though he'll probably be better after he gets some sleep." Mansel added, grabbing Drake's wing as he swayed.

"Oh sure no love for the stable boy." Geoff smirked.

They all shared a faint chuckle. Liane giggles as she walked up to Geoff's side, wraps around his arm and rests her head on his shoulder. "Will this do?" She said with a faint blush.

Geoff couldn't help to hide his own burning cheeks. " works."

Draco walked up beside his son, smiling proudly as Drake notice he was looking at him.

“Drake, thank you. You where my hero today.”

Drake almost stopped dead at his father’s words and stared at Draco’s face, mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.

“I-I was?”

Bowen couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the conversation.

“Yes son, you proved to be a true dragon today…and I couldn’t be prouder.”

Drake’s eyes lit up at that last part, all signs of exhaustion vanished if only for that short moment. A big smile crossed his face as he leaned against his father’s shoulder for a moment.

“Thank you.”

“Yep, he's truly is your kid Draco.” Bowen added, earning a grin from the older dragon. And with that, Bowen gently swung an arm over Geoff’s slumping shoulders in an all too fatherly way that the stable boy actually liked. Bowen was happy with the fact that he didn’t have to compete for the boy’s fondness with Lord Osric anymore.

Then Liane sighed softly.

"Liane? What...what's wrong?"

Liane sighed again as they all stopped, "Now that the prophecy and the comet have passed, mine and Master Kwan's mission we set out for is now done, and there is peace once again...I will have to return home soon Geoff..."

"No...Why?" Geoff pouted.

"I must return to my kingdom and bring my father word of our success...and Kwan's death..." she had to swallow a lump in her throat before she continued. " And I'm sure my father wants to know that I'm alive and well, since I've been gone for quite some time."

Drake made a soft noise in his throat, then looked up when Liane patted his cheek.

"I just have to go back to show my father that I’m alright Drake, I'm not going to stay permanently, I will make sure to return every know and then to ensure Geoff doesn't get you into too much trouble."

Only Geoff didn't chuckle this time, pouting a little too convincingly as they began moving again, exhaustion urging them to get to bed soon.

"Oh, Mansel my boy?"

"Yes Brother Gilbert?"

"I believe much later tomorrow we will induct you as guardian of my work here at the monastery, you've obviously proven yourself capable to take over the position."

Mandel's eyes widened, "Y-yes out-of course...It-it would be an honor Brother."

"Hey Mansel,"

"Yeah Geoff?"

"You know that thing you were telling me about?"


"A life of prayer and devotion and boringness, you finally have it."

A round of laughs broke out among the group as they finally reached the monastery.

"Though it won't be as quiet as you would like with these two around." Brother Gilbert teased, motioning to Geoff and Drake as Liane pulled open the dungeon door.

While Brother Gilbert escorted Liane back to the guest rooms in a farther part of the monastery, Bowen and Mansel made sure Geoff was steady on his feet before heading to their own chambers.
The knight stayed behind awhile longer on the top of the steps next to Drake’s bed, watching Draco blow out a few candle stands to dim the dungeon enough to sleep. Drake yawned in the middle and blew out a lungful of smoke.

"Is this dark enough."

Geoff nodded at the copper dragon and Drake answered with a wide yawn, letting his tired, sore body sink into his bed of cushions with a relieved sigh.

"Come on son, it's time to sleep."

Bowen smiled as the two settled on Drake's bed, the dragon going limp seconds after Geoff lay against his side. While Draco lay behind the two youths and placed his head down right next to Drakes.

Several minutes passed before Draco opened one of his amber eyes to find Bowen still sitting on the steps, looking into space.

“And you knight,” Draco said quietly, smirking. “What is on your mind now?”

Bowen looked back at his large dragon companion and smiled. “Now Drake and Geoff finally have what they'd really wanted from the beginning.”

“Oh,” Draco raised his brow. “And what might that be?” As if the dragon didn’t already know.

“Well, Drake has you and I know Geoff looks up to me...We all have each other now...”
Bowen smiled at the sleeping boy that was leaning up against Drake’s side while his head rested on the young dragon’s shoulder. Both were already fast asleep. “I'll admit, I regard Geoff as a son of my own, just as Drake loves you as his father. I think it’s safe to say that we can all be considered family.”

Draco smiled as he also turned his attention to the boys then looked back at Bowen and chuckled.

“Yes…I do believe you’re right.”

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