Chapter 2

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It was mid-day at the monastery in the village of Glockenspur, as the sun began to fall over the distant hills, casting a golden glow over the wheat fields.

Inside the monastery courtyard, was an old unused dungeon. Deep inside was a large room, most likely used as a library, filled with a collection of hundreds of old books from the decades. It was gloomy. A number of tall candle holders dominated the edges of the room, with dim light bouncing off the stone walls.

I a couple of steps was connected to an upper level, where there was a large bed made out of pillows and blankets. In the middle of the bed was the huge dragon egg, about to hatch...

Brother Gilbert, Friar Peter and the Abbot waited with bated breaths. The large ivory egg resting on the bed of pillows as the creature inside began to move.

A smack rang from the inside of the egg, then a small crack appeared, then another and another as the cracks continued. The cracking noise seeming to encourage the thrashes from within. The cracks spidered away from the first slowly, a few broke off small chips completely. Brother Gilbert gently moved them away, putting the larger pieces of the shell in an available box for keepsake, the space left was a breathing hole the hatchling used for a split second before the thrashing intensified.

CRACK! The little one worked its way out of the shell with some effort as it broke the rest of the egg to pieces. The hatchling laid on its back, flopping to one side as its body crushed the remaining part of the egg underneath it. The baby wriggled on the bed, trying to find its feet. The dracling stood for a split second before it lost balance and with a high pitched whine, fell backwards, knocking over some of the pillows.

It was very small, the six horns on its head were short and relatively rounded. At the moment, the baby's scales were a dark greenish-gray and dull bronze with some blends of ruddy yellow.

The hatchling blinked in confusion at its surroundings, being that its vision was still blurred. The Abbot gently dried and cleaned off the newborn dragon using a small towel while Friar Peter held a bottle of warmed milk mixed with weak chicken broth. The little dragon suckled eagerly until the bottle was empty in just minutes.

The dragon yawned wide enough to tip it backwards slightly. The baby now lay curled up on the large bed, snuggling with one of the pillows, being only the size of a small dog, it fit comfortably inside with the soft blankets and warm pillows. Brother Gilbert held a small smile on his lips as he sat at a table in the dungeon library with the Abbot and watched Friar Peter gently pet the little ones back as it wriggled closer to him, seeking his comfort and warmth of his tunic, making the man smile.

Friar Peter picked the newborn up and cradled it in his arms, strangely peering at its head. The baby dragon growled with a low squeak of excitement, squirming playfully in the friar's arms.

"He's pretty energetic isn't he?" Friar Peter notes to Brother Gilbert, just as the monk raised an eyebrow.

"He?" Brother Gilbert asked.

"It's a male. Though quite a small one at that." Friar Peter pondered.

"How do you know it's a male?" The Abbot asked as well.

"There's small horns above his eyes." Friar Peter explains as he examined the top of the baby's head, showing it to the monk. "See those two white lumps there?" The friar pointed to the little lumps above its eyes, there was one tiny horn above each eye. The hatchling squirmed again trying to wriggle its head out of the man's grip, but Friar Peter kept him steady. "Only males have them, females don't. That and he's a little bit muscular to be a female, females limbs are a tad sleeker."

"Oh, I never knew that, interesting." Brother Gilbert marveled the man's knowledge about dragons. It sort of made sense, remembering that Draco had the same horns above his eyes as well.

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