Chapter 15

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"Drake! Drake! I'm being followed, you gotta hide!"

The young dragon gasped a bit as Geoff stumbled to a stop and gasped out more, "If the guards see us we're dead."

That struck a nerve. "Dead? Dead! I-I don't wanna die!"

Geoff turned around at a slowly building crackling and groaning sound, "What's happening to you?"

Drake gasped again, "Oh my!"

And was silenced by the natural camouflage taking over his body until Drake's scales looked completely like stone. Bowen had jumped to his feet, straining to see the cliff top where the King's knights were following Geoff...

"After him!"

And right to Drake...

Geoff tried to feign innocence as the knights approached, swords drawn and deadly.

"Hello again! Nice day to run the horses huh?"

"Where are the foreigners?" The lead man barked menacingly, twitching his sword just a little closer to Geoff's chest as he stepped closer.

Geoff chuckled a little uneasily as he backed up, right at the edge of the cliff, "I don't know, they disappeared..."

The lead knight smirked, holding the tip of his sword near Geoff's chest. "No one can just disappear...unless I make them."

Geoff's foot crumbled a bit of stone, it clattered down the cliff face, echoing ominously. "Alright, I give can take me to the dungeon now..."

"You're not getting off that easy..."

Bowen yelled as loud as Geoff did as he plummeted over the cliff edge, only the two humans' cries were drowned out by Drake's angry roar, the dragon jerking to his feet, and clawing at the air...The knights scattered in frightened shock, just as Drake jumped and dived over the cliff edge...

Bowen yanked the slip-knot of the reins as he leaped astride his stallion wheeling about and charging off in the direction of the mountain's base. Sharp crackles preceded Draco leaping into the air and roaring loud enough for a few rocks to shatter of the mountain side, only adding to the knights' terror...

Bowen's horse stomped into the river as Geoff's feet hit bottom...

And lurched up!

"I got's alright!"

Geoff twisted his head the best he could, his eyes met with Drake's.

"Drake you're flying!"

"Of course we're flying! How do you think we got way up here?"

Loud, raucous laughter drifted below them and Bowen waved from his horse, "Keep it up! You're doing great!"

Geoff could only smirk as the man nudged his horse into a gallop to stay beneath them, or at least as well as he could. "This is great. Let's go up higher!"

Drake almost managed to rise a few feet before is wrist gave out and he switched paws on holding Geoff, earning a garbled shout.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Don't apologize child! Just flap!"

Drake couldn't really turn his head to see Draco above and to the right of him, but smiled as the father chuckled loudly, with a proud smile on his face.

Geoff decided to burst the bubble and burst out immaturely, "Okay, let's swoop down and scare those villagers."

Bowen rolled his eyes beneath them, Geoff was way too hot headed...

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