Chapter 18

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Kara had since finished her conversation with the other people enjoying the evening and saw Draco entering from the courtyard, looking around as if searching for something, possibly Drake, considering the dragon hasn't seen his son since earlier that afternoon. She came up to him, her smile fading into a concerned frown as he grimaced.


Draco noticed her and nodded his head slightly in greeting.

"Draco, have you seen Drake? He was supposed to come to the banquet, wasn't he?"

The dragon's serene expression changed, his amber eyes slightly widening. "You mean he's not here..."

* * * * *

Osric had led Geoff to an outer balcony, used for close sword fight training judging by the rack of finely crafted blades, Geoff didn't realize how well made until Osric grabbed one blade and then tossed him another.

He caught it like he'd practiced with his make-shift wooden ones.

"You've handled swords before."

"None like this..."

Osric didn't respond verbally, just swung the blade to get the feel of it, then dropped into a braced stance, "Then shall we?"

Geoff tried to mimic the stance, halfway succeeding and earning a bit of a please gleam in Osric's eyes.

"En Guarde."

They sparred quite evenly, Osric avoiding flaunting his ability to fully test Geoff's, "Heh, you have natural talent, you deserve special attention my boy."

Geoff looked a little embarrassed, then lunged at the nobleman, earning a grin, the boy knew how to use surprise already...

"Perhaps you should consider taking rooms here at the castle."

Goeff faltered and stepped back, ""

"That way I could tutor you personally."

Geoff was lost in thought for a moment, wondering why Bowen couldn't teach him, he'd seemed like he was quite good at what he did...Osric broke through his thoughts as eh started the duel once more. "When can my guards collect Drake's belongings?"

That got his attention.


"I assumed you and him were a team."

The bashful nervousness returned, "Well, I'd think he'd be too scared to leave the monastery."

"Poor creature," Osric murmured then lunged at the teen, "We wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable." Osric stepped back, pausing the fight, "I'm sure you could convince him to make...regular visits."

"I'm sure he'd like that a lot..."

Geoff looked away, then back to the patient swordsman. "What do you think it's take for a stable boy to become a knight?"

Osric's tone shifted into instructional, "Now come at me faster."

Geoff tried to move into the presented stance, failing halfway and then charging at Osric.

"The most fundamental aspect of a knight is his commitment, he should want it more than anything else, more than wealth, more than adventure..."

Geoff was yanked and then shoved back against a pillar, "More than friendship...Do you want it that bad?"

He answered breathlessly, "Yes I do."

Osric smiled as stepped away, "Huh, you'll make a positively heroic knight. It's written," He added as he placed his blade into the sword rack, "In the stars."

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