Chapter 12

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Early the next morning, gray clouds move across the sky as two soldiers catch two peasants without their tunics. They have just finished giving them lashes for their disregard for the new law.

"Seven lashes to anyone caught without their tunic!" One soldier warned.

The Chinese foreigners approach the castle. With their ox-driven wagon following close behind them. Walking up the road, the soldiers stare as the strangers passed by.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, in the room of the chief adviser, Lord Osric was studying important papers at his desk. Sir Stefan, Osric's second in command, walked into the room.

"Those me from the east re still waiting lord."

Osric rises from his desk. "Show them in."

Sir Stefan returns to the open entrance to bring the Chinamen in. Master Kwan and his son walk in as they give Osric their gesture of greeting. Lord Osric tries to follow in the same way.

"Please." said Osric, invitingly.

"Thank you for seeing us."

"Not at all," Osric insisted, "it's an honor."

"We are on a quest related to the arrival of the two tailed comet." Master Kwan said boldly.

"Well, you don't have much time. According to my star charts and calculations, the comet will week from today." Osric paused as he walked back over and sat at his study. "What do you hope to accomplish?"

"We seek the dragon of the prophecy." Master Kwan said.

Master Kwan's son was standing behind him, investigating the large shelves of potions. Sir Stefan looks over him suspiciously. He looked back at the red haired man innocently and walked away.

"Hmm. A noble, though non-sensible mission since nothing is left of dragons but their legend." Lord Osric assured him.

"Respectfully," Master Kwan objected, "I saw a dragons claw. Just last night!"

Lord Osric's raised his eyebrows, looking rather interested. "Did you?"

"Friar Peter claimed, it belonged to Draco himself. But, can we be sure?" said Master Kwan suspiciously.

Osric stared at him. A slight smile appeared across his face. "All this talk of dragons and prophecies, will frighten the common people. They're terrified of dragons, with good reason." He leaned forward in his chair. "For your own safety, you should leave this kingdom tonight...Stefan?"

Sir Stefan walked up beside Master Kwan, his arms crossed.

"Send them safely to the border." Lord Osric ordered as he resumed looking over his papers.

* * * * *

Back at the monastery, Geoff visited the dungeon every chance he got. He hoped that knowing Drake would somehow lead to adventure and fame. But Geoff was sorely disappointed to learn that he had befriended a dragon who had no idea how to fly, or breathe fire.

Down in Drake's room, Geoff was busy with his new green tunic, trying to pull out a hanging string. Drake laid on his bed reading from a book on knight chivalry standards, at the moment probably reading the Old Code.

"Oh, come one're tunic doesn't look that bad." Drake said a bit aggravated while turning a page in his book.

"I hate this thing," the boy complained, "it itches and it's the color of warm vomit."

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