Chapter 30

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Early the next morning, the King was sincerely apologizing to Adelaide for all the trouble he'd put her through.

Word spreaded quickly and Kara took it upon herself to make the trip to the castle with Piper and Colin. She had been furious.

Just as Brother Gilbert arrived to great her at the gates Kara dismounted her horse, helping her children down and marched over to him in an aggravated huff, Piper and Colin following close behind their fuming mother.

"Brother, where is Lord Osric?! I would very much like to give him a piece of my mind!"

"Osric is no more, turned out he was a cursed dragon called Griffin, and attempted to destroy humanity, but he was surprisingly defeated by Drake."

The news took her by surprise but she quickly recovered her composure.

"Drake? Is he alright?"

"Just fine, probably still sleeping at the monastery with Draco, but just fine, as is that courageous boy Geoff."

Kara picked Piper up in her arms, who had been pulling at her cloth dress. "...And what of my hotheaded dolt of a husband?"

Brother Gilbert smiled. "Bowen's fine, he's at the monastery's dungeon in Drake's chamber with Draco and the boys."

She sighed, "Oh, thank goodness."

"Mommy?" Colin began, "speaking of dragons, can we go see Draco and Daddy now?..."


Geoff stared out at the mid evening sunlit over the hills in the far away distance.
Drake was still sleeping, exhausted to the point he hadn't even twitched when Geoff had left the dungeons at noon for something to eat.

His heart no longer ached, just left a weariness that must've been from Drake. But it did leave a heavy impact, Drake trusted him so willingly...called Geoff his real brother...

Geoff was determined to live up to that trust.

"I swear Bowen...even if I don't really know you as much as I should...I'll live up to the Old Code with Drake..."

"Then get to know me better now and prove yourself to your vow."

Geoff whipped around to see Bowen in black tunic and breeches, holding out a sword to him and another gripped in the man's sword hand professionally.

"What-what's this for?" Geoff questioned.

Bowen threw the boy the sword who barely managed to catch it.

"Take it. I told you before with the proper mentor you have better chances of becoming a knight. And with me teaching you, you are well on your way, young squire. Now take position. "

Geoff smiled and did so slowly, tentatively getting a better grip on the weapon before trying to copy Bowen's firm stance.

"Ease your left leg back a bit, now bend your knees and settle your weight on the balls of your feet but keep your heels down."

"Like this?"

"Mhm...That's it."

"What now?"

Bowen grinned. "I make the first move."


"Why not?"


"Because I just did." Geoff said smartly.



Bowen chuckled. "Shut up and fight."

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