Chapter 5

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Late July/early August was pre-harvest time; and this year a steady, very hot summer drought was making nearly everyone miserable. Some of the wall Kara's Father's house were made of stone and kept a good deal of the heat at bay, but as August arrived even the thick stone and cool interior became susceptible to the misery.

Kara lay on her and Bowen's bed, wearing just her light gray shift, the bed sheets nearly completely kicked off. The once cool and inviting bedchamber had become a hot, muggy prison.

Bowen was sprawled next to her; wearing a pair of shorts and a strip of leather holding his hair back, she was pretty sure he was asleep, she couldn't tell and was too irritable with the heat to try.

It was probably an hour or so after dawn, and already the cool, night air had been scorched, as if with dragon fire.

Speaking of which...


Yep, Draco was awake, the noise was from the dragon's tail hitting the same spot nearly every morning when he stretched; a groove was already starting to wear into the wood. A loud, deep groan came from the dragon outside, the sound echoing from the courtyard and through the open shutters to the bedroom.

Kara rose slowly, sighing softly at the mildly colder floor on her bare feet. The outside air slammed into Kara like a thick wall when she reached the window and looked down.

Instead of usually being down and to the right of the window against the house facing an open field; Draco lay in a different spot, sprawled limply inside the shadow of the house away from the heat of the sun facing him that was still holding a bit of a cool feeling from the early morning. The dragon was among the most miserable during this drought with little chance of relief in the distant sight. His scales were flushed and wings spread out to hopefully keep the sensitive membranes cooler.

"Think he got any better sleep?"

Kara blushed at Bowen's husky, sleep-deprived voice; he rested a hand on her back lightly as he stood next to her.

"Probably not, I just hope it rains just before harvest, otherwise the ground will be too dry and hard..." Kara sighed as she backed away from the hot wind blowing into the nearly smothering room.

Bowen stood in line with the breeze as he watched Kara fuss through a drawer full of dresses to find a plainer one versus the fancy, embroidery covered ones she had been given at the wedding.

Kara sighed as she restarted her search for a plainer dress, Bowen smirked and reached an arm down into one of his own drawers and yanked out a white shirt and black hose and pants with ease.

" you have any idea where some of my simpler dresses ended up?"

Again Bowen dug into one of the drawers, this time Kara's, and pulled out a light blue dress and white shift, simple with only a softer weave than most plain dresses Kara was used to.

"Hmm...maybe you're good for something," Kara teased as she took the garments and bumped Bowen's hip on her way to the screen in the corner.

Bowen retaliated by spinning her around and kissing her.

They had to pull away when the heat from the air and from passion nearly overwhelmed the two.

"When it cools down..." Kara purred, leaning close to Bowen's ear before heading behind the screen.

* * * * *

Two weeks later, the middle of August, and Bowen and Kara had had enough with the heat. Kara giggled at the cool river water, it felt good. Bowen smiled from where he was lying on a water sprayed rock.

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