Chapter 26

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Drake scrambled to keep up with Geoff darting through the trees, the teen lead them to a big enough clearing to allow Drake better mobility.



"Try...and...let me...catch…up..."

Geoff sighed, slowing a little. Drake closing the distance with heavy panting then skidding on the forest floor as Geoff suddenly stopped.


Geoff answered by resting a hand on his scaly shoulder, motioning for Drake to be quiet before they both heard the sound of hooves and heavy wing beats coming towards them.

Bowen came riding up from behind them and halted his horse as the two boys where in his line of sight. Taking one last glance back to make sure they were not followed, he dismounted and led the horse with him over to them.

Draco was hovering above the trees searching for a convenient place to land. Once he found a good enough spot he landed with a loud thud in a little less than a graceful entrance.

"Are you both alright?" Draco asked in a low voice, lined with concern.

"We're fine dad," Drake looked at Geoff, who's mind at the moment was clearly somewhere else. The teens face was contorted into a look of uncertainty and hurt as he stared off into the distant shrubbery. "or at least I think so...Geoff?..."

Geoff then looked at Drake with apologetic eyes then turned to the ground. He unbuckled his chin strap and took his helmet off, throwing it a few feet away from them. He eased himself to sit on the grass, bringing his legs into his chest and rested his chin atop his knees.

"Geoff?..." Drake tried again, nudging his friend's shoulder with the tip of his snout.

The teen sighed, "I've been a complete asshole...and a fool...a blind fool."

Geoff stood up abruptly, startling the young dragon, and kicked at the ground in his anger with himself. "Most of all...I've been a terrible friend..." Geoff turned to look at Drake, his eyes glazed with moisture.

"I've been so hell bent to prove I could be a knight...that I could be more than a stable boy...that I was willing to do anything. I was blind to the fact Osric was using me the entire time! Feeding in to my desire so he could to get closer to you. And I almost let that happen..." He turned away from the young dragon not wanting Drake to see him cry as tears began to pour from his eyes. "Osric didn't care like I thought he did...I-I thought he really wanted to see me st-strive and live my dream and th-that he was actually helping me to do so....but he wasn't. I should've listened to my first instinct, that he was up to no good! But I guess I'm just a damn idiot!"

Draco rumbled in his throat as he eased his bulk to the ground, Bowen had already walked over to the older dragon's side, both watched on not wanting to interfere as the two younger males were working things out.

Drake couldn't help but look at his friend with sympathy. He had been angry at Geoff, but all that frustration toward the teen he had pented seemed to suddenly vanish at the sight of the boy's tears. The young dragon slowly walked up beside him.

"Geoff..." Drake began, "you''re not an idiot. Maybe stubborn and a bit arrogant...but not an idiot." Drake gave Geoff a playful grin.

"Oh, wow..." Bowen snorted under his breath. He had no idea Drake would have it in him to bluntly admit that so matter-of-factly. Draco merely nudged the knight with his shoulder to silence him.

Geoff sniffed, stifling a chuckle, "Surprising that you'd actually give me credit for something..." he muttered, wiping the tears from his eyes. "...after how I've treated you." He looked at Drake directly in his large eyes, "I dont expect you to forgive me for that either, I know I don't deserve it...but still...I-I'm sorry for hurting you Drake and for being a horrible friend..."

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