Chapter 13

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Bowen had explained to the boy privately of Draco's existence to be kept an even tighter secret than Drake's, he also explained that Draco was Drake's father, which made the young teen freeze a moment...but he sworn to keep that silent as well. The boy was sullen, probably trying to figure out what to say to Drake later that night when he would be able to visit him without anyone noticing. Draco was able to stay in the shadows of the trees outside without much concern of discovery either, and was able to let Drake wake up without no more shock then what Drake could handle, after what had happened with Friar Peter. Bowen turned to the dragon beside him, looking over the dragon's massive form. The man wondered silently how long it would take for Drake to catch up with his father...or for that matter how long it took Draco to get to his size. It was amazing, the size difference...and Drake was only a mere two decades old...and less than half the size of his father.

Draco grumbled a little sleepily as he roused enough to lift his head and stare at Geoff down on a dock at the river bank. Sitting at the docks edge. Draco set his head back down after a silent moment.

Both Draco and Bowen were both enjoying the quiet of the day until a sharp clang rang out.

There was a few three other men on horses surrounding the dock as Geoff started sword fighting with someone.

"We're just practicing." Geoff said, feeling the need reminding him for a second as Roland was giving the stable boy a hard time.

He was being held at double sword point by an obvious nobleman's squire, judging by the tunic color and gleaming sword. Roland handed the sword back with an expert flick of his wrist, Geoff catching it like a pro.

"He's gonna screw this up..." Bowen muttered softly as he leaned on Draco's shoulder, earning a small shrug from the dragon.

Geoff was fine in holding the correct stance, how he learned it Bowen didn't know, but the boy dropped it a second too late as the squire spun and swung his sword into the other blade, breaking the ill-tended weapon and knocking Geoff into the shallow river.

Roland's voice carried up to them with haughty arrogance and dignity, "If we weren't practicing you'd be dead stable boy. Now, lower your eyes, peasants should never meet the gaze of their betters."

Overcome with anger and humiliation, there was nothing else for Geoff to do, but lower his head, away from Roland's eyes as he told him to, and he kept it there until Roland mounted his horse.

Roland and the other squires laughed to themselves as they rode away. Geoff stepped out of the river, his whole back was soaked wet. Bowen remained silent as Geoff trekked up the bank, carrying the broken blade and looking at this feet angrily. the boy didn't see either of them until Draco shifted and his scales creaked a bit, Geoff looked up to meet the old dragon's gaze, then Bowen's and bowed his head in shame as his face flushed red.

Draco wanted to slap his 'forehead' as Drake walked right past him, not even noticing Draco as there as he walked up to Geoff near the river bank.

"So, this is what it's like outside." said a soft voice.

Geoff turned her head to see Drake right behind her, hiding behind the trees along the bank. His light brown scaly skin and dark green armor plates helped him camouflage perfectly into the widespread greenery as he looked around at the trees.

"Drake!" A faint smile lit the boy's face until the trotting horses in the river made him turn and remember his foul mood as he turned back to Drake and scowled. "You had to come out here now didn't you?"

Drake cringed a little as he looked away, "I never got say goodbye to Friar Peter..."

Geoff looked down as he sat on the grass, chucking the sword bits away angrily as Drake settled behind him, gazing down at the river with grieving eyes, "He's the only one who knew about dragons."

"Now wait a minute,"

Draco rolled his eyes as Bowen interrupted, making Drake flinch at the new human and jump to his feet and stepping closer to Geoff as the old dragon shifted to stretch out under the confines of the trees' shadows.

"There are still a few who know Drake, take your father here." Bowen winked to Geoff.

"Dad?" Drake's head suddenly rose and Geoff saw a slight smile come across the young dragon's face.

Drake's depression quickly faded away as he turned in shock to see Draco come from out of the camouflage of the trees. Draco reached his claw forward, gently guiding the dragon's gaze to meet his, the slightly tensed gaze had faded from his amber eyes, and all Drake could see was longing and compassion.

"Hello son..." Draco smiled as Drake rested on his father's chest and wrapped his wings around his large broad shoulders in a tight hug.

"Dad, you came back..." Drake snuggled closer to his father's chest. "When did you get here?"

"Just last night." Bowen interjected. "We decided to come back and visit again, since it has been a while, you know. That and Draco couldn't stay away from his boy." Bowen teased in a mocking voice.

Draco narrowed is eyes at him and bared his teeth with a low growl that didn't sound too threatening. Geoff smothered a laugh with a forced cough, but Drake just looked away.

Draco looked down at his son in concern. "What's the matter son?"

Drake swallowed before he took a while to reply. "While you were...away...Friar Peter was the only one I had all these years...and now he's gone. Now you're back but...I just can't help feeling lost." Drake said sadly.

Than Geoff spoke up, sitting back down next to the two dragons, "You're lucky to have him as long as you did..."

Drake sighed miserably, "But my heart hurts."

Geoff gave Bowen a small grin as the man retrieved the broken sword, already calculating how to get it fixed as he kneeled in front of the boy.

Geoff looked to Drake as the young dragon set his head on the ground. The boy started gently rubbing Drake's head as the monastery bell tolled over the river valley, monks cloaked in black robes, keeping their heads covered, escorting a covered stretcher to the outer cemetery over the bridge.

Drake groaned very softly, earning a quiet, sympathetic sigh from the older dragon.

Geoff gave the grieving dragon a sympathetic gaze..."You won't feel this bad forever."

* * * * *

Early that afternoon at the castle, a maid, walked over beside the throne, trying to open a small vile of what looked like orange liquid. Her long, dark hair was braided and her sleek body was clothed in a cover of fine pink silk.

King Raegan sat on his throne with his feet resting on his stool while he stroked the chicken that was lying on his lap. The chicken clucked happily as the man stroked its feathers.

All the people chattered about their new tunics.

"It's too itchy!"

"I don't think my tunic fits."

"This color isn't that bad."

The people who lived at the castle all wore bright red tunics, lined with golden thread, meaning they were the highest class of citizens of the kingdom.

The maid opened the vile of medicine and purred it into a spoon in her other hand, Just as Lord Osric walked out from behind her, over to the edge of the steps. She gave him an admirable gaze. The whole throne room turned their attention to Osric as they waited to hear him speak.

"Today, I make two edicts in accordance with the old code. To defend our helpless and uphold our weak. Those people wearing green, beige and brown tunics, must be indoors one hour after sunset."

The maid closed the lid of the vile. "Time for your evening atonic Sire."

She raised the spoon closer to King Reagan's mouth.

The king turned his gaze away from his chicken and swallowed the medicine. The chicken clucked louder as it didn't like the fact that it wasn't being stroked anymore.

"And from this day forward," Lord Osric continued, "only the words of truth, will be spoken in our kingdom.

The people clapped as he finished announcing the new laws. Osric bowed his head to the crowd and gave a crooked smile.

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