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5 years later...

The morning sun was high in the baby blue sky, causing a golden glow to fall over the kingdom. There was a slight breeze and the dew on the grass hasn't even thought of evaporating yet. The cattle were lazily chewing grass in their pastures enjoying the peace and quiet of the morning.

Suddenly the livestock began to panic as they were spooked by something moving in the sky overhead at great speed. A huge winged shadow flew over the landscape with a monstrous roar.

Now twice the size that he was five years ago, Drake flew steadily over the fields, his wing beats were thunderous as they echoed over the land. Now 25 years old, he was actually the same size as Griffin had been but he was still relatively young for a dragon. His body became more mature and muscular. The dragon's eyes had now taken on an amber color much like Draco's. His crest of horns were full length and his back was now lined with spines.

Clinging to one of the smaller spines near Drake's shoulders was Geoffrey. Geoff was about twenty one now, no longer a boy but a man. He no longer had his curly locks, now he sported short cut wavy hair but it still moved in the wind nonetheless. Geoff also had stubbles above his lip and chin, indicating that he was starting to grow somewhat of a beard. The young man wore stunning black leather armor, infused with shimmering chainmail over his chest and sleeves. The attire of a knight.

Both were out on patrol, surveying the kingdom's countryside. Being Protectors of the Realm meant they had a responsibility to uphold.

"Do you see anything Geoff?!" Drake called to his heart brother, his voice had gotten more low toned and rough with age.

The young knight squinted his eyes a bit to see into the distance. The roads leading towards the kingdom were bare of any commotion.

"Nah, everything is clear!" Geoff assured. "C'mon, we've completed our rounds, I think it's time we head back bud!"

Drake nods and makes a swift turn around back towards the castle.

However they had no idea they were being watched....

Down deep within the shadows of the woodland foliage...hidden perfectly in plain sight. A large boulder began to move as the smoothe surface morphed into elegant rough scales, revealing what looked to be a dragoness.

She had no horns above its eyes like Draco and Drake had. The rest of her crest of horns were rather short and dainty and her body was more lean and slender. Her dull grey scales shown silver in the suns rays through the gaps in the trees. However beautiful, her body was tattered with scars from past injuries. One prominent scar stretched across the right side of her face, over her eye and another that looked to be a burn mark covered most of her lower chest below her chest plates. Her scales ranged from dull grey mixed with a blue roan with a silver shinning to dark dull purpleish tone on her chest and back plates and forelimbs. Her eyes as blue and bright sapphires, stared up at the duo flying a distance away now.

She stared longingly at Drake, watching him fly off into the distance with a gentle smile on her face.

"My...how you've grown child." Her voice was gentle and soft, yet had such power behind it.

She broke her gaze, knowing she couldn't stay too long. Not wanting to risk her presence being known, "The Scarred One" retreated back into the shadows once more, before disappearing into the trees.

It was not yet time...not yet...


Hope you all enjoyed this fanfiction as much as I loved writing it. Thank you all so much for the votes and comments this story has received so far and I hope there will be more to come after, now that it's completed. But fear not fellow dragonheart fans, for it is not the end. This epilogue is a sneak peek for my sequel to this book which I will begin writing and publishing in the near future. But for now, I'm gonna take a little break and actually take the time to read other wattpad stories and also re-read my own books, including this one. 😊

Look to the stars...

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