Chapter 24

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Drake awoke just after dawn, his mind still a little fuzzy with sleep as Geoff's footsteps enter the lower reaches of the dungeon.

"Hey! Drake!"

"Geoff you don't have to yell, I can hear you just fine." The young dragon groaned.

“Oh sorry ‘bout that."

The dragon knew immediately he said that half heartedly, but didn't say anything. Drake only scowled at the boy, Geoff's back facing him.

"Never mind, what are we doing today? Would you like to go flying with me?" Drake didn't want to get his hopes up and he certainly didn't want to sound desperate.

Geoff shrugged, "I don’t know Drake, I'm sure Kwan's got something for you to do," he said as he pulled out his sword.

The dragon growled a little making Geoff turn from playing around with his sword.

"What's the matter with you?"

The dragon hesitated,  "It's and I don't do anything anymore..."

"What are you talking about? I was at the lesson yesterday. " Geoff said innocently.

Drake furrowed his brows "You forgot we were supposed to go flying that morning."

"Okay so one time I forget something. Geez Drake, remember I'm learning to become a knight, and that takes a lot of time out of my day, and I'm still way behind every other guy my age."

Drake had just about enough of all this knight talk. Thats all he would ever hear anymore ever since Geoff started all this. He missed how things were when they first met, they did things together, Geoff wasn't gone almost every day for hours. It was like being left alone all over again. What made it worse is that the poor dragon always got his hopes up, that maybe Geoff would find time in his day to spend time with him. The young dragon growled deep in his throat as he stared at the now irritated and confused young squire before him.

"That doesn't mean you disregard your friends!"

"Calm down Drake! You know, I've been trying to get outta the stables since I was four! And now as if by chance this huge opportunity falls in my lap, that people might finally see me as more than just a poor stable boy...I dont care what it takes! I need to do this Drake."

Drake growled deeper, sitting up a bit more, his wings tensing. The dragon gave Geoff a furious look…but Geoff couldn’t understand why…

"So it's more important for you to become a knight than anything else?! More important for you to go on and kill beasts like the knights in the book that you'd forgo anything that has to do with the monastery...even more important enough for you to just leave your friends behind you while you rise into fame and glory like you've always wanted?!"

"You know I didn't mean it like that Drake." Geoff said through clenched teeth, glaring up at the dragon.

Drake snarled, "Yes you you said,  you'd do whatever it takes...right?"

Geoff stood there for a moment lost in thought but quickly pushed the tought away, shaking his head. The teen only grunted as he turned to leave.
"Whatever! See you later!" He shouted exiting the dungeon.

"Perhaps..." Drake sneered, laying back down on his bed as Geoff stormed off. Staring at the floor and slowly closed his eyes, shaking his head with a sigh.

While Geoff was heading up to the surface, he couldn't help thinking about what he said earlier...

Whatever it takes....

DRAGONHEART: Dawn of A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now