Chapter 21

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Draco entered the dimly lit dungeon In hopes that Drake would be there,  lying on his bed. To the old dragon's relief, he could make out the silhouette of Drake's body behind the bed curtains.

He could swear he heard a faint sniffling from the other side of the curtains. Draco slowly came up the stairs and reached out his claw to peer away the drapes to see his son, lying curled up tightly hugging a pillow in his front legs with dried tears in the scaly creases of his eyes.

Startled, Drake looked up at his father with watery eyes then rolled over to his side and curled up even tighter in hope he'd look as small as possible if not invisible.

"Son?" Draco whispered. But Drake did not look back.

"Are you alright?"

"" Drake finally said after a moment

"Would you like to te-"


Draco flinched.

Drake growled and turned to face his father.

"I screwed up! Like I always do...I mess up or I'm just plain not good at anything I try to do."

The older dragon was taken aback by his son's sudden outburst, not really knowing what to say.

"Like these lessons, " Drake continued,  "that are supposed to help me learn to be more of a you and how many of Master Kwan's tests have I actually accomplished father?!"


"None!" Drake shouted with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "I haven't actually completed any of the tasks you and master Kwan has given me. What I have completed in those tests however, was how to successfully cause an uproar over the entire village and burn down a mill!"

Drake was crying now, not caring that he allowed his tears to fall down his cheeks.

Draco shook his head, his face creased with a sympathetic expression. "Oh Drake, that was just an accident."

"You dont understand dad..." Drake sobbed, "I-I can't be the dragon that-that you want me to be...I c-can't live up to you or your name..."

Draco couldn't help but let out a small chuckle "Son, what makes you think that I want you to be exactly like me?"

Drake fell silent for a moment. He rose up from his bed and sat, staring at the cold stone floor.

"Because that's what they told me since I was born..."

"They?" Draco asked

"Friar Peter, Brother Gilbert...they would always praise that I'd become as great as my father. Even Geoff said it, becoming as famous as you if not more...But sadly they gave me a name that I can never live up to."

"What do you mean Drake?"

"That's just it...that's not actually my real name, more of a nickname honestly." Drake admitted, "Friar Peter and Brother Gilbert both agreed to name me after you when I was born. My birth name is Draco."

Draco stared at his son in surprise and let a faint gasp escape his mouth.  He never really thought that Brother Gilbert would agree to suggest to name the young dragon after himself. Though due to that time, before he returned, he could understand why the monk would choose to want to name the hatchling after his and Bowen's dear friend. But that wasnt what surprised him the most.

"You know son, it wasn't only Friar Peter or Brother Gilbert who wanted to call you Draco. " Draco gave a sad smile.

The young dragon looked up at his father, wiping the tears away from his eyes.  He sniffed.

"Who...who else?"

"....Your mother."

Drake looked astonished.

" mother? She wanted...?" Drake could not finish his sentence.

Draco nodded.

"Aye," He said sadly, "And I'm sure she wouldn't want you to have any other name. Weither if it was just coincidence or by destiny, the monks chose well, and she would be proud. "

Drake scoffed. "Proud? Of what? Theres nothing to really be proud of." Drake looked away. "I chose to be called Drake instead, because I didn't think I could ever live up to your name...and I still don't. I'm not like you father...sometimes I look at myself and I'm even your son..."

Drake falls to his bed and buries his head in the pillows and cries heavily, as the older dragon looked to his son in dismay.

Draco circles around the side of Drake's bed and lays down next to the weeping young one, draping his massive wing over him, hoping he'd find some comfort in it.

"Drake... if you think that I've ever been ashamed or disappointed in you about anything,  than you are wrong.  You dont have to be like me to be legendary. No matter if you stumble here and there, I've seen your determination and courage show through everything. You never shyed away from these lessons and you've never gave up when you thought it was hopeless. Drake, weither you want to be called that or your true name does not matter to me, that is your choice and I'm not ashamed of you calling yourself by another name. You're still my flesh and blood and I can never be more proud to call you a son of mine."

The young dragon didn't say anything.  After a long moment he looked up at his father with tears in his eyes, but these tears were not tears of sadness.

"S-so you're not disappointed in me?"

"Heavens no! In fact I'm very proud of you. "

Drake smiled, still staring into his father's amber eyes.

The old dragon continued, "That being said, I am very proud of how you did at your flying lessons the other day regardless of how much Geoff was barking demands at you after you caught him, you managed to stay focused for a long time. And believe it or not Drake I'm impressed with what happened at your fire breathing lesson as well."

Drake laughed. "You're joking right? You were impressed with...that?!"

"Indeed." Draco chuckled, "When I was your age I couldn't even produce sparks my first attempt. But what happened today at the mill was an accident I know, but over time and with a lot of training you can do better than I did."

"You think so?"

"You are my son, it's in your blood."

Drake smiled and snuggled up to his father's side, seeking the warmth as he rested his head on the older dragon's shoulder.

"Thanks dad."


Both dragons rested there for the rest of the afternoon,  until Brother Gilbert brought word later that evening that Bowen wanted to see Draco and was waiting for him in the courtyard. Possibly to relay the events of what happened earlier that afternoon and to explain why the mill was burnt down. Shortly after, Draco returned to the dungeon and curled up alongside Drake. Both dragons were ready for some needed sleep after the days event's as they drifted into slumber.

It's late, couldn't sleep so I decided to make an alternate chapter that wasn't written for this story.

Please LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE if you like this story. I like it when people comment their input on my stories

Oh and one more thing, anyone who does not understand what this story is about or where the idea came from...WATCH THE MOVIE!!! it's called DRAGONHEART and also the sequel DRAGONHEART: A New Beginning. That's what this story is based off of. It's like a combination of both in one story with some added twists of my own but I strongly suggest you watch the movies.

My own opinion...the two new movies DRAGONHEART: The Sorcerer's Curse and DRAGONHEART:Battle For the Heartfire sucks, sorry but they do. They should've stopped at the second one or better yet continued it from the second one instead of creating a whole new storyline

Ok that was my little rant of the day. Here you go, new chapter!!!

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