Chapter 9

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It was early morning, Draco groggily opened his eyes, slowly rising from the bed...Drake hadn't woken up yet, he could hear his soft little breaths as he curled up tighter around his pillow.

Draco smiled proudly at his son, Drake was as playful and lively as he was when he was young...the only difference between him and his son...was that Draco's 'lively attitude usually got him into trouble.

The old male turned his head from his son to see Bowen coming in and up the steps with his hands full of his provision sacs, with Brother Gilbert with a hand full of scrolls and Friar Peter slowly following behind.

Draco hushed them with a low growl as glanced at the young sleeping dragon. Brother Gilbert slowly leaned near Draco so he can hear him.

"'s time to leave...are you about ready?"

The dragon didn't answer too quickly, he glanced at Drake again, sleeping soundly on the bed, than slightly nodded. But Bowen Gilbert could tell Draco didn't want to leave.

Just as they both started walking out, Draco hears a whimper-like yawn from behind him.

Drake woke up.

The little dragon gasped as he caught sight of Draco. The young dragon quickly rose from his bed, running right up to him, and affectionately rubbed Draco's leg, humming, making the old male even more uneasy...he was already reluctant to leave his son as it is.

"Morning Daddy."

Draco ducked his head to see between his front legs. "Good morning Drake."

Drake suddenly focused on the three men in front of him, Bowen, heavily packed with full bags and Brother Gilbert handing over a few useful scrolls he could spare. Drake stared at them then turned his attention to his father, looking a bit confused.

"What's going on? Are you leaving?"

Draco didn't know what to say, until Friar Peter pulled Drake away from the big dragon, but the young dragon gave him a hard time.

"Hey, what'd I do?"

"...Sir Bowen..." Friar Peter began, "...I think now would be a good time to go, before...."

Bowen nodded, "Yes, agreed...Draco...I would say you goodbyes now..."

"What? You are leaving?" Drake whimpered.

"Yes," Brother Gilbert interjected. "I'm afraid so Drake

"No! Why? C-can't my Dad stay here?"

"Now Drake, you know your father can't stay here." Friar Peter interjected. "A dragon as big as Draco would cause too much attention to the people who live here. Being seen by the villagers could possibly endanger him, then it would lead to endangering you."

"B-b-but...He..." The young dragon's eyes started to look watery. "...You can't're the only real family I have!"

Draco turned to stare at Drake's sad little face...looking at him expectantly as tears began to leak from his eyes. Draco hummed deep in his throat as he bent his head down to nuzzle him and lick his tiny face.

"...I'm sorry..."

Bowen tapped Draco's shoulder and gave him a sympathetic smile before motioning for the dragon to follow. "Come on Draco..."

Than the old dragon turned away, trying to hold back his emotions, and walked toward to exit, following behind Bowen. As Draco started after the monk and was out of Drake's ear range, he whispered to himself..." son."

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