This Needs To STOP!

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So apparently the 5th one is now out

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So apparently the 5th one is now out....Dragonheart: Vengeance

I'm getting really sick of these...

I've been doing a bit of research as well and they've stated that they are starting production of a 6th film soon! And plan on remaking the original dragonheart! Remake....THE ORIGINAL DRAGONHEART???!!!!

Why remake an already perfect movie?! I grew up with Dragonheart and Dragonheart A New Beginning...they were my childhood favorites! The first movie was amazing, the best! Second was alright (better than these). But the third, fourth and now this one?! Trash! They went sooooooo far off from the original, too far...and the looks of the dragons? Dont get me started....

Why couldn't they keep Draco's design from the first film? Even for the second film they used that design but made a few changes for Drake...

Why couldn't they keep Draco's design from the first film? Even for the second film they used that design but made a few changes for Drake

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And you can't deny Drake looks f***ing adorable!

And you can't deny Drake looks f***ing adorable!

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Then there was this guy....but we dont talk about him...(which you know I get it, Griffin was a different design too, which is why I hope Drago and this new white dragon in Dragonheart: Vengeance are not the permanent design they're sticking with for the future films)

In the 3rd and 4th film with the design of Drago they depleted him of depth and showed very little emotion.

In the 3rd and 4th film with the design of Drago they depleted him of depth and showed very little emotion

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Unlike Draco where he showed much emotion, character and personality that he didn't look or feel like an "animal" if that makes sense

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Unlike Draco where he showed much emotion, character and personality that he didn't look or feel like an "animal" if that makes sense.

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You can see the difference

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You can see the difference...Just look at Draco's facial expressions. In the movie you can literally see the emotions he was giving off just by looking at his face.

With Drago it is so blank you dont know what he's feeling so how can you feel attached to that character when the only thing he has going for him is that he can talk. I can only hope that this new dragon shows more emotion than Drago did...

The plots for these new films just baffles me to no end. The original was supposed to feel...real. Like it was a point in history that could've happened. The story had meaning and the characters had depth.

Whereas the and 3rd 4th films just feels like their own a scifi midieval fantasy series that should be on Netflix or something. And now we can add the 5th film to the mix.

They just should've stopped at A New Beginning...or better yet just continued from the second movie!I've always wanted to see a dragonheart movie that picks up with Geoff and Drake, maybe a little older and more grown up! That I'd love to see happen but it most likely won't....

These other films are unnecessary and a disappointment... All these prequel films have only been cash grabs working of the success of the original master piece.

I can go on and on about how poorly these films are but the ONLY thing I'll give this film credit for is that they finally introduce a female dragon named Siveth and that her name doesn't start with a D! 😂😂😂 (Draco, Drake, Drago....Siveth) lol

But I'll say this, the only good Dragonheart was the first one. PERIOD! And I'm just waiting for them to figure out that they'll never top how amazing the first one was with all these dragonheart wannabe films.

It's best just to let sleeping dragons lie.

It's best just to let sleeping dragons lie

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I apologize for my ranting...but I needed to get it out of my system. I'm sure there are many other dragonheart fans who feel the same about this. And of course because I'm a glutton for punishment...I'm gonna go out and buy Dragonheart: Vengeance after everything I've just said. Why? Because it's still part of the franchise sadly, regardless of how bad it might be. I have to have the whole collection until its complete cause I'm just weird like that...

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