Chapter 1

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Bowen walked along grudgingly as the waterfall beat relentlessly near him. Not knowing why, he had wandered down to the waterfall and was now regretting it. It was the same spot where he had practically first met Draco. Just as he turned to leave, a sound muffled by rocks and water stopped his departure.

A loud crumbling noise echoed as Bowen walked through the waterfall and into the dampened ave, something slow and heavy was trying to move. Bowen moved slowly around the rocks that were rising up from the water. A large creature was lying on the rock platform surrounded by debris of rock the color of coal, Bowen eased around a stalagmite to get a better look...

It was Draco!

The dragon shifted groggily, groaning as his heavy limbs refused to obey him. Bowen moved closer as Draco curled up tighter.

"Draco?" Bowen asked softly, the dragon groaned and blinked blearily.

"Bowen?" The dragon managed to mumble.

"Aye, you alright?"

"Mm...hmm...tired." Draco mumbled exhaustedly, his eyes closing.

"Rest, I won't leave." Bowen told him gently, Draco sighed sleepily before drifting off immediately.

Bowen crouched next to him as the dragon slept; really hoping this wasn't a dream.


Draco yawned widely and stretched his forelegs and clawed absentmindedly at the rock dust. Hearing air rush over metal, uneven metal at that, he turned and saw Bowen shifting through a sword dance; whirling the sword through the pattern with ease.

Grunting a bit as he stretched, Draco felt his wings joints snap as they moved. Bowen's steps through the dance didn't falter, but his grip did and the sword almost hit the ground before Bowen's hand caught it.

"What time is it?" Draco asked the knight when he turned.

"Mid evening, you've slept almost two days." Bowen replied as he sheathed the sword and moved closer.

"Huh, didn't feel that long."

Bowen chuckled, "How can you feel time passing in your sleep?"

Draco returned the laugh gently, "I guess you can't"

Bowen shifted uncomfortably while Draco popped his neck, letting it snap into place loudly.

"What is it?" the dragon asked, turning to face the man next to him.

"You're supposed to be dead." Bowen answered softly.

"I know..." Draco said, and then continued before Bowen could say anything. "It's peculiar, I barely remember you the other night. I really don't know how I was brought back."

Bowen's brows furrowed.

Draco stared off into space for a minute, then looked back at Bowen and snorted. "You think I'm going crazy?"

The knight shrugged. "Either you're going mad, or I am."

Draco laughed, "N-never mind, how long has it been since..."

"Six months."

"Only six? Anything new?" The dragon questioned and sat up to roll his cracking shoulders.

Bowen began reluctantly, "The rebels wanted me to become king, but because of the grace period, I turned the offer down, One of Einon's distant, but oldest cousins agreed to take the throne, thank God. Reagan Saxon I believe is his name, so they're going to sort that out. All I know is that Reagan isn't a tyrannical beast of a man like Einon. But..." Bowen paused and snorted, "He's eligible to say the least."

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