Chapter 19

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"Get your dragon portraits!"

Geoff walked through the festivities as he passed an artist drawing a portrait of Drake. He tried to catch up with Drake who'd been wandering around most of the evening...probably being pretty lost.

Geoff smirked as he passed the artist, a quick glance at the artwork showed the man had talent. The dragon portrayed was just ahead of the teen and Geoff stopped his walking to avoid a juggler.


Drake slowed a little, turning his neck.

"Kwan said you've passed some kind of test so he's going to teach you all the old dragon secrets..."

Draco 'hmphed' softly as he listened to Geoff's ramble, he'd briefly met Kwan and though he knew the fundamentals and basics he hadn't a clue of anything past the western mountains, Bowen silenced his next comment with a well- timed glare.

The two watched Drake and Geoff settle onto the ground near an ale matron's stall, furs and stools set up around to provide convenient seating. Geoff was showing Drake a book from Osric's Library, the two completely enthralled in the pages.

"I've seen these stars before, through the grate in my room..."

Bowen walked over to be a part of the crowd around Drake, glancing at the page depicting the all too familiar constellation.

"...They've always made me feel better somehow." Drake stated calmly, his voice smoothing out, Bowen could see him physically relax and when the dragon glanced to him, Bowen let an encouraging smile grace his face.

"Those are the stars of the constellation Draco," Kwan explained, Drake attentively turning his head back to the older man, "The souls of your ancestors." Bowen followed the gesturing hand to the calming area of the sky, the constellation bright for the moment, it had a tendency to brighten and dim in mood with the earth, a little foreboding.

"Tell me more." Drake pleaded.

"A long time ago, dragons ruled the earth, when people appeared, dragons saw their potential for good and shared the dragon wisdom, pledging to watch over humans and help them grow."

Bowen nodded, the Dragon Pledge was something Draco would speak reverently about, almost like Brother Gilbert about Avalon.

Kwan continued, "The souls of the dragons who fulfilled that pledge became stars...their spirits are still up there, comforting anyone who cares to look."

"Like a dragon heaven." Drake murmured in awe.

"Exactly son."

Drake turned to see Draco move to lay half in the dim light, nodding to Kwan before settling his head in his palm casually.

The younger dragon looked like he wanted to say something, but dipped his head like he was either too nervous or polite to do so.

Draco almost sighed, humming gently to calm Drake enough to turn back to Geoff.

Geoff took it as a hint and turned the page, revealing a poorly done green dragon that had Draco's features but lacked a lot of the details and correct aspects.

"Oh Good Lord, I hope that's not Brother Gilbert's work." Bowen muttered with a faint groan as he stepped over to affectionately pat Draco's shoulder, earning a faint snort.

The page succeeding the 'green dragon' was of the dragon holding it's "glowing" heart out to a sword bearing prince, strangely resembling an all too familiar red-haired young man that made the old knight cringe.


"What is it Bowen?" Geoff asked curiously.

Bowen wrinkled his brow in thought, "I really don't think my memory's that bad to think Einon wasn't standing let alone conscious enough to be presenting himself like that."

Master Kwan stared at the knight, "You knew him?"

Bowen nodded, still examining the picture, memories assaulting him until Draco's wing tapped his shoulder. "Einon was my student, and though he learned the mechanics and technique, he lacked humility and honor."

Kwan nodded, "The last soul to join, was a mighty dragon, who shared he heart with the prince Einon who was wounded in battle."

"He wasn't in any battle, he ran into it out of his own hotheaded stupidity and his father's greedy selfishness!" Bowen snapped.

Kwan bristled a little, "Sir Bowen, would you rather tell the tale or do you know of someone else who could perform a more suitable presentation?"

Bowen gestured to Draco on whom he now leaned against, "You could get Draco to tell it, though we'd be here half the night."

Master Kwan raised his brow with interest, "Oh?"

Draco chuckled, setting his head down, "My end of things takes too long to explain." He replied, stretching his neck out a little.

Young Liane blinked in sudden realization, "You are the dragon of the tale?"

Draco nodded.

"Regaling the kids with old memories of our little adventure are we Bowen?" Brother Gilbert called as he caught up to the group circle.

The knight smiled, "Just a part of them Brother Gilbert, though I'm hoping that's not your artwork."

"No, I have absolutely no hand at that, though I do say that impression of Draco is sorely misunderstood if it came from my writings."

"I don't believe your hand at poetry would find itself any better..."

Drake snorted and tried to control the laughter bubbling from his throat, his ears picking up on his father's words smoothly even if everyone else didn't.

"What did you say Draco?"

Draco blinked. "Nothing, nothing Brother..."

Kwan shook his head, gesturing to his traveling companion, "Would you care to continue?"

She nodded, "While the dragon...Draco...lived, the prince was invincible-"

"And arrogant, selfish, self-centered, and cruel." Bowen muttered a little cheekily.

Liane just continued, "Sharing the dragon's strength."

Bowen interjected again this time a bit mockingly, "And temper."

Draco growled a little, "Bowen..."

Geoff had shifted at this point, looking interested, "Really?"

Bowen turned to the boy, his face lit up with curiosity.

Liane nodded, "And his every pain."

His interest changed..."Oh."

Brother Gilbert sighed a little after a few moments, "What, no comment on that Bowen?"

The man shook his head, leaning back against Draco and crossing his arms, his voice low and solemn, "Not when it was a friend in pain."

Draco let out a soft trill, Bowen turning to meet his wise gaze before Kwan continued.

"A dragon must be very cautious before sharing his heart," He began, getting back to his previous teachings, "If the human's heart is a corrupt one, the dragon could lose his place in heaven."

Drake's voice lowered sadly, "That's awful..."

Everyone fell silent until Geoff spoke up to break the awkwardness.

"Drake, look at this."

Draco had to bite his tongue when Drake blurted out his thoughts innocently, "Why is that dragon chewing on a cow?"

Geoff smirked in time to his stomach rumbling loudly, "Looks like dinner to me."

Drake murmured to himself. "Dinner?...hmmm..."

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