Chapter 6

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Almost eight years have passed since Bowen and Kara got married and the birth of Drake. Fall quickly turned into winter. It was the middle of December and Christmas was just around the corner. In the now snow covered wheat fields, two children were playing in the snow, laughing as they began a snowball fight. Colin's sister squealed as she ducked away from his incoming snowball, picking on his sister was very fun.

"Ha! Missed me!" Piper shouted to her brother.

Colin glared at her evilly. "Not for long!"


The two fell laughing onto the snow, making snow angles, rolling as their game dissolved into hilarity. One of them had ginger blonde hair, the boy had hazel eyes...which was Colin... and the girl was a bit younger with brown hair, and Bowen's deep blue eyes.

A little later that day, Draco laid under a pine tree near the house. The ground underneath the pine was bare and dry. He smiled pleasantly as Piper skipped towards him ahead of Bowen, who was reading a letter while walking and somehow able to manage to walk around the house making his way toward the dragon without looking up.

"Good day Draco." Piper giggled.

"Good day to you too Piper."

The girl smiled widely as she reached the dragon's side and began stroking his foreleg, she was infatuated by the dragon.

Draco chuckled before speaking to Bowen, "Anything interesting in the—BOWEN LOOK OUT!" 

Bowen looked up just as he caught his foot on Draco's tail and fell over it with a heavy thud. Draco winced sympathetically and moved his tail to help Bowen up, the man wincing and rubbing a knee that was scraped a bit from tearing through his hose.

"Daddy?" Piper's voice went from well "piping" to sullen in an instant as Bowen limped to Draco's side and slid down the dragon's ribs to sit on the ground, rubbing a sore knee carefully.

"Com'ere darling."

The girl instantly curled into Bowen's open arms, sighing slightly in his warm embrace.

"Now what did we learn just now."

"Nnnnever trip over Draco's tail?" She said cautiously.

The two were bounced a little roughly as Draco chuckled heavily earning a smirk from Piper, and a jab of an elbow from Bowen before he settled.

"No, we learned to watch where you're walking and not read while you walk."

"Oh *giggle*"

"To answer your question Draco, Brother Gilbert wrote that at the Monastery, King Reagan had a chief advisor sworn in, yesterday, but sent a letter in advance to notify me."

"And that's interesting because?"

"Well, that's not everything Brother Gilbert wanted me to know...It's about Drake—"

Draco's eyes suddenly were glued on the knight with a worried expression. "What about him? What happened?" He asked sternly.

Bowen swallowed softly before he continued, while concentrating on the dragon's fearful eyes. "He's fallen sick..."

* * * * *

Just the day before, Friar Peter was down in the dungeon checking up on Drake and doing some well needed reading. Christmas was fast approaching and Friar Peter hadn't managed to get a possible gift for little Drake, who was now eight old and growing fast, he was the size of a great dane. Drake had been sleeping on his bed most of the morning. Friar Peter had a hard time putting the little dragon to bed the night before. Now the friar was pleased to see Drake moving and energetic, Drake had been sluggish and miserable for several days...from what the friar didn't know but the child was playful and fine now...

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