Chapter 20

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Drake had to struggle to get in the air the next morning, his father, was already gone when he awoke, and the abbot had been the one to make sure Drake was awake on time to get to an already decided meeting point for a lesson. Drake was starving as he flew over the fields surrounding the castle, it wasn't yet noon when he was supposed to meet with everyone. He started scouting around and looked down to see a farmer out with his cow. All of a sudden, Drake thought of the picture in the book Geoff showed him last night...and decided to try it.

* * * * *

"Geoff!" called Drake.

Draco rolled his eyes faintly, but gave his son a smile as he glided over the mill, not even twenty-four hours and he was already improving in flight.

Geoff looked up from "fighting" with the Liane, failing miserably, but was still trying.

"Hung-yah!" Liane shouted as she threw the boy over her shoulder and slammed him to the ground.

"Ow." Geoff groaned.

"Sorry I'm late." Drake apologized, searching for a big enough spot to land by his father.

Liane smirked as Geoff pulled himself to his feet, trying a different approach as he stepped behind Liane just as Drake landed a little too heavily but at least remained standing. A deep throated belch slid from Drake's throat, making Geoff groan a little and Draco roll his eyes, using the tip of his wing to lightly whack Drake's head.

"Ow!...Excuse me..."

Geoff wrinkled his nose "Ugh...cow breath..."

Draco's eye ridge rose as he leaned to one side, resting his chin in a palm. He gave Drake a raised eyebrow, though Drake didn't know why.

"What are you going to teach me first Master Kwan?"

Kwan first looked to Draco who just shrugged, "I'm here for supervision, it might actually be easier if you use your 'methods' to teach."

Geoff spoke up as she he shifted behind Liane, "Teach him to blow fire now."

"No, breathing fire is dangerous." Mansel snapped, arms crossed in his sleeves.

Geoff wrapped his arms around the girl's shoulders, only for her to catch him off guard and throw hon on the ground...again.


Geoff landed with a hard thud, groaning a little as he picked himself up, "Stop being such a monk, Mansel. How does he breathe fire?" He asked as he straightened his tunic.

Again, Kwan looked to Draco.

Draco's brow furrowed. "Don't look at me!"

Drake chuckled a little, turning as well.

"First you must learn to open your fire-lung, inhale though your nose..." Kwan began teaching as Draco idly brushed some dust from his nose, sneezing up a fire ball, before clamping a paw on top to smother it. "...and concentrate on passing the air-deep in your throat, fill your lungs-it will sound like this..."

Draco started smirking as Kwan was speaking, then burst out laughing as Kwan attempted to mimic the rumbling, which to the dragon, sounded more like loud snoring.

"Would you prefer to demonstrate?" Kwan suggested, feeling annoyed.

Mansel cut in, "No, this is danger-"

Draco cut of Mansel's retort with a deep rumbling in his throat, then tossed his head back to let a massive, streaming inferno into the blue sky, making several people at the mill scream in terror but when the flame's only went straight up before dying off they settled a little, still keeping an eye on the dragons.

"Aim goes a long way." Draco said as he rubbed the soot from his nostrils.

Drake nodded than smiled as Draco lifted his head and sneezed, the fire ball sailing over the mill with a few hundred feet to spare before fizzling out. "Now I remember why I didn't like the idea of coming to a mill..." He muttered as his sneezing ended.

Kwan turned to Drake, "You try."

The young dragon inhaled, focusing on forcing the air deeper into his throat...then...


Geoff glared at Drake with a concerned look. "Something's wrong."

"Get down!" Kwan shouts, everyone ducking while Draco stood up, recognizing the desperate, almost sick expression on Drake's face.

"Turn that way! So it won't hit the mill, then let it all OOOOOUT!"

Draco agreed with Kwan, unfortunately it was too late for him to do anything as he saw Drake accidently swallow...

Then he let the fire out...unfortunately, the wrong end. The mill burst into flames.

Draco had to admit, it was just as impressive as his attack on Felton's mill so long ago. But before he could say anything, the old dragon turned to the sound of wingbeats and the form of Drake heading toward the monastery as quickly as he can.

Uh oh.

* * * * *
Sorry it's been a while....I apologize greatly. I know, I know it's been a year since I've updated this book. What happened was I had this whole story played out and written already when I started it on wattpad...but I somehow lost the other half of this story and I slightly gave up on this cause of that. But I felt this book was too good and I worked so hard on it to just give up on it, so now I'm kinda starting from scratch. Updates will be here and there. I'm still hell bent on finding the rest of my writing. I know I've gotten a lot of views on this book since then so you people must like it. you go another chapter. You're welcome. Again, sorry it took so long

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